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Red Empress finally coloured up...


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Just wanted to share cos my Red Empress from Alex has finally started to look beautiful. I have had him since he was wee.


Sorry about the dreadfully dirty glass!! Any tips on how to clean it? At the moment I have an old visa card which I use to scrape the glass. I have one of those scrapey things from the pet shop but it is only plastic or rubber and doesn't do the job.

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You can start to pick males out at 3-4cm but they can take an age to colour up.

I recently took my 1M(14cm) out of tank with 4F(10cm), to find one female was in fact subdominant male, so speed of colouring up will really be environmental as much as anything else.

I use a scotchbrite pad for that algae- glass tank though.

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You can start to pick males out at 3-4cm but they can take an age to colour up.

I recently took my 1M(14cm) out of tank with 4F(10cm), to find one female was in fact subdominant male, so speed of colouring up will really be environmental as much as anything else.

I use a scotchbrite pad for that algae- glass tank though.

What do you use to determine the gender at that size? I'm getting a couple off another forum member around that size and I'd like a couple of males to eventually put in my large cafe aquarium.

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I look at the red line with a hint of white along the top of dorsal and and tinge of blue in dorsal itself and a hint of red tinge in tip of anal fin.

females will have the red line but not the same tinge to fin IMO.

If they in a group of juvies the most dominant male might show himself with behaviour if you can watch for a moment or two.

As I said above depending on environment you might find that getting more than one to colour up is difficult.

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