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I'm just a newbie too but I read in another thread that the plants use the carbon in darkness, hence why when dosing algae with flourish excel we are supposed to do it after lights out.

I agree with the Co2 killing the shrimpies, my corys were also sensitive to it

maybe just too much change too soon for the little guys

but at least you know where you can get some more!!

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It has been commonly found that the amount of dissolved CO2 in a tank with DIY CO2 is usually only 1.5 to 2 times that in water just out of the tap. This is not a huge difference. Keep in mind, the fancy planted aquaria that you see overseas have serious injected CO2 systems and they often have all kinds of tropical shrimp. The key factors with these shrimp is not CO2, it is using non-toxic fertilisers and providing good aeration.

It certainly is possible that the shrimp had CO2 toxicity but I personally suspect it was a lack of dissolved oxygen or a rapid pH swing overnight. If you fed spirulina flakes, and the tank is un-cycled then it very likely could have been ammonia as well. If you used a fertiliser with copper, it could have been that as well. Any number of things really but it is useful to keep these things in mind when introducing more animals so that you can prevent more deaths. :wink:

I'm just a newbie too but I read in another thread that the plants use the carbon in darkness, hence why when dosing algae with flourish excel we are supposed to do it after lights out.
Many people advise that you dose excel at lights out because it degrades slightly in the presence of light.
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Keep in mind, the fancy planted aquaria that you see overseas have serious injected CO2 systems and they often have all kinds of tropical shrimp.

The difference is tropical. Tropical fish and inverts require less oxygen than their cold water counterparts 8)

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Update: Day 9 Since first planting. Day 4 since c02 added. :P

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Front Left


Front Right


Glosso Roots


So far so good (well, to my newbie eyes anyway :o ). I've only added c02, and used JBL Balls in the substrate previous to planting. Might get me some liquid fert soon. Although I have been looking into PPS Pro (Similar to Poor Mans Dosing Drops).


Still in the process of getting some weeping moss for my wood, and also some java (or maybe just more weeping moss) for my moss background.


With my DIY c02 setup, I found the bubbling to be inconsistent. I would get 1 bubble, then 3 seconds later get 2 bubbles and so on, or none at all then all of a sudden a blast of bubbles. By adding a airline control valve, its built backup pressure in the separator chamber, and now the valve controls the amount of bubbles (c02) coming through. Now have it set to 1bps :)

This is what my setup looks like:

Note: I took Zev's advice on having a gas separator (so gunk from reactor doesnt get to the tank)



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Hey all, the Glosso has taken off really well. Although now I have a small amount of brown algae growing. Anything I should worry about?? I was gonna add more glosso (in hopes of making it more dense and to contest algae) and have some moss on the way aswell. Is it still ok to plant them??


The algae is present on the glosso/gravel bottom left and centre of the pic, there was a spot on the glass but i wiped it off earlier

Im doing 25% water change weekly

Only fert used is the JBL Balls in the substrate

Hang on Back Filter (normal filter and carbon)

DIY Co2, 1bps 24/7

6500k 18w energy saver on for 12hrs a day

I dont have any critters in the tank.

Is the algae anything to worry about?? any suggestions or changing something ive listed above.


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Brown algae/diatoms are normal for a newly setup tank. Otocinclus will eat it up but if you don't have a cycled filter yet you can try increasing surface agitation and temporarily decreasing the photoperiod to around 8 hours a day. Keep wiping away any that you see. When things settle down, gradually increase the photoperiod to 10 hours a day.

I would remove your carbon from the filter. It isn't needed and trace nutrients will adsorb to the surface making them unavailable to the plants.


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Thanks Jen, ive made the adjustments, almost no carbon (only what is stitched into the filterpad) and have adjusted the amount of time the lights are on. Hopefully it wont affect the glosso so much :-?

I dont have any Fauna in the tank :oops: , I wanted to wait till all the plants have really grown in before adding anything else.

Shrimp is on the menu again, JarrenB managed to acclimate our cold water shrimp to tropical, and has held them for 4mnths going now.

Otherwise its plecs/otos and maybe danios or tetras, so hard to make my mind up, doesnt help with such a small tank with limited stock room. Atleast the shrimp will aid in eating the algae.

With all that aside, is it still ok to add more glosso and the moss??


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Yep, adding more plants is fine. ;)

There are lots of options for small tanks these days. I especially like a number of the small danios around at the moment. I have 15 danio tinwini in a small tank and they look fantastic. Danios tend to swim around fast and school a lot while tetras are slower, more inquisitive and tend to shoal. I have the very tiny ember tetras and similarly small sparkling gourami in a small tank and they are very nice. The sparkling gourami are a very under rated fish (speaking from one who has never liked gourami before). Endless possibilities when you are ready!

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Update: Did a bit of work on the tank lastnight. :D

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Driftwood + Moss


Removed and cleaned the driftwood, had a bit of algae spot on it.

After that I added the java moss wall/background, which is the mesh in the back of the tank.

Then banded the Xmas moss to the driftwood. Black bands arent the best looking but once the moss has established, ill just cut them off. Did a small vac of the algae on the gravel. Added some more glosso.

Hopefully soon the algae will stop spotting up. The glosso is continuing to run horizontally and the moss is already growing new chutes. :o

Still need to get some liquid ferts, any suggestions??

Very low budget here so the best of the cheapest. :lol: Ive heard of Poor Mans Dosing Drops (PMDD). Is it any good and is it cheap to make up. Those who have made it, where can I buy the ingredients for it?


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you buy PMDD from HaNs...

that moss... looks vaguely familiar o.O


I PM'd HaNs aswell. I have been looking at different macro+micro mixes on the net. Would be good to learn how to make it and hopefully its relatively cheap to make.

See, I told you I had given some away P44. 8)

BTW, lookin good! Here's a bet that those rubber bands will rot before you get a chance to cut them away. ;)

:hail::hail: Thanks again for the moss. :lol: I take it P44 is the 'plant' man you talked about??

Now I just need some fert, some fauna and some patience :bounce:

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It was that and the green fish line that gave it away. Could you possibly take a very close up shot of the 'leaf' structure of the moss? i have a suspicious feeling about something....

PMDD is probably cheaper to buy from hans than to run around sourcing the trace elements your self.

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I take it P44 is the 'plant' man you talked about??

Shhhhhh!! This is the fish mafia we are talking about here. 8)

i have a suspicious feeling about something....

I may have suspected the same thing... :roll: I was going to take it into the microscopy lab over the weekend.

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After lots of thinking and lots of trips to various LFS. I have decided to go tropical 8)

In my tank I still have only plants, no fauna.

I have put the heater in the tank already and everything is going ok, will check in the morning. Brown algae is still slowly building in the tank, but I have taken a few ideas from replies to SamH's issue with the same algae. One that sparked the most interest was the catfish :lol:

I have been scouting around for tanks, even though I dont have enough $$ for a big one, but maybe a similar size to the one I already have, but used purely for cold water species (will keep it native CW species), more of a smooth rock biotope.

Now that I have the heater going, I am looking at getting some fish tomorrow. I want some small bottom/algae eaters, and something colourful but small for open swimmers.

I'm looking at getting Plecos and Tetras.

I'm not all that familiar with the different variations of plecs, i saw one today that was darkish brown with a few stripes (almost like a tiger) on its back???

And as for the tetras, so much to choose from. I liked the cardinals, but someone might have better ideas.

Any suggestions are welcome.

Keep in mind I have a small tank with limited stock room. So anything I get needs to be small but also doesnt grow to anything big.

(BTW the tank has already fully cycled, pH is at 6.5, No2/3 are at 0,gH 0,kH 40)

Suggest away :P :bounce:

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:D tropical :D

now... remember "plecos" does not narrow it down. there are hundreds of thousands of plecos, and thousands that match the description of stripey.

look out for good deals for tanks on trademe, there are lots of bargains out there, or if you feel like it, put a nice tank on layby and pay it off slowly as a Christmas present or something like that.

best of luck!!!

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