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Help plz. Discus stressed


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4 days ago i bought excel, first day i did reco dosage, second day twice recco dosage for algae, last 2 days normal dosage. Today 1 of my discus seems to be trying to itch or scratche itself on the leaves of my sword plant and has got the shakes! HELP PLZ!

i did a water change yesterday for him, incase there was still too much excel in there.

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The one thats doing is it about 13cm, there is another 13cm in there but i have have them for years and they have never bred. Once i had a blue one and they bred, but ghost knife at the eggs, and then the blue one died for some reason. Was a few years back. The other 3 aren't breeding age yet. So im pretty confident they aren't breeding.

"the shakes" = she(?) was shaking her dorsal fin like crazy, very small fast movements.

Now she at it again. parasite maybe? now shes shaking her bottom fin and use her... anal fins? as if shes trying to scrap something off. shes swimming at funny angles as well. looks really distressed, darting around the tank and rubbing herself anything she can find.


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IMO double dosing with flourish excel is too much for the discus. A single dose used daily as recommended will suffice and the algae will die off. It is possible that the excel is burning the fish, or, as discusguru says it could just be breeding signals. Another good thing to do is mix the excel with some water before putting it into the tank.

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