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Angels & Oscars Questions


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I've read and seen on the net that people have kept fully grown angelfish with oscars, I though that wouldn't work out to well but wondering if any one has done this and had no problems.

I'm keen to give this a go but only if people havn't had any problems.

For any one that has done this, what did you find the best way to stop bullying as they both share the same level of the tank most of the time imo?

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i had no problems. they just seemed to ignore each other, the oscars were much more interested in each other and the angels never pushed it too far.

I fed flake food to the angels which the oscars couldn't be bothered eating, so there was no competition there.

I had 2 oscars and up to 6 adult angels (and other fish) in a 5' x 2' x 2' tank for 2-3 months

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In a big enough tank, starting with adult angels and small oscars then there's no reason why it shouldn't work.

I would say "it will probably work" :wink:

There is no 100% guarantee that an Oscar will live with anything, but a small Oscar, big Angels, in big tank, probably 90% chance of it working out.

I would still have a plan B, just in case.

But as long as your Oscar will tollerate the Angels then it will work. The feeding isn't a big issue as big Oscar just look down their nose at flake food, and leave it to the smaller fish. Mine only eats floating cichlid pellets if it's starving, (not fed for 8 hours) and otherwise leaves them for the pleco to swim upside down and vacum off the surface. :roll:


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I would say proceed with caution... id personally not do it.

An adult angel with a young oscar - the oscar is a toddler, still quite stupid and clumsy, he could quite easily kill the angel accidently as a toddler would...

On the other hand, an adult angel is going to be rather experienced, but would probably only bully the oscar enough so that the oscar knows whos boss.

As soon as that oscar starts growing, and its temperment changes, who knows.

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What I've been thinkin about doin now is, I have 2 oscars just over a year old (about just over half grown), and putting 3 or 4 fully grown angels with them. I have some young fish (electric yellows) in with the oscars at the moment and the oscars don't even bother looking at them.

So far they have never started a fight with any other fish I've kept in the same tank... just come out on top if something tried fighting them.

If I do end up trying this I will deffently keep a close eye on the angels to make sure there going to be ok - plus I allways have a spare tank or 2 I can move them to if they get picked on

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