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Question re Platy


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I've got 3 x adult platys (2 x F, 1 x M) in my 200L established tank, and one one of them has just started acting very strange for the past 3 days.

She will sit on the bottom of the tank, very near the gravel, and 'gasp'. All the other fish are fine. Also, I've had a neon randomly kick the bucket yesterday.

Water has been tested, and Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia are all normal, pH is 7.2.

She still comes up for food (bloodworms) during feeding time, but the amount she eats has reduced drastically.

Any ideas?

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You could float her in an icecream container (filled with water from your tank), on the top of the tank. The only thing is you will need to change the water twice a day and whatever you do don't put the water from the icecream container back in your tank. You could try adding salt (tonic or rock) at the rate of 1gram a litre and see if that helps.

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I just found another dead neon this morning :( It appeared to be half eaten as well.

There are no visible marks on these fish, yet they seem to be dropping like flies! My source at the LFS seems to think that neons are just not as hardy as they used to be, due to mass inbreeding in places like singapore etc.

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Well in the absence of toxicity or lack of oxygen, it could just be poor stock but it might also be that the stock brought in a parasite (e.g. gill flukes) or bacterial infection. Might not hurt to deworm if you have any praziquantel, just to eliminate that as a possibility.

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