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i was looking thru the lfs the other day (while waiting for tea) and noted that some of the males had Jagged tails - i was a little surprised and double checked with the store owner and yes we have CROWN TAILS man that is the first time i have really seen them here in chch!!!!!!!!

i was so excited but i really dont have anywhere for one and i think keeping him in a 1.3 l jar would not be fair = oh if only the babies were old enuf to swap........ ahhhh

but mayb i could divide the baby tank up and put him at one end and then........ hmmmmm thoughts are moving round and round

only problem he's $20.00 and i know it doesnt sound like a lot but im trying to save for my holiday in december and i find it hard enuf as it is to save so putting this sort of temptation in front of me is not good as i wont be able to afford the petrol to travel all around down south if i keep buying these good looking guys!!!!!!!!

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i already have 3 tanks on the go...... i have managed to survive the weekend without purchasing another fish - and now that the weekend is past and i have no money left i am safe to visit the shop as i wont be able to buy anything....... :oops:

once the babies are big enuf to be sold i will look at dividing their tank (approx 50L) up into about three different "tanks" and putting my males in there and then i mite divide the 20L in half and have another couple in there :lol: and by then i mite have been able to afford another one or two tanks with all the gear and stuff to keep them happy and healthy and i can then continue to use the 20L as a baby tank/ infirmary :D

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