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has anybody bred red spot plecos?


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Hi Matt, red spot plecos (Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps) grow to about 45 cm and would be very difficult to breed in an aquarium. Sailfin plecos (includes redspots, gold spots, and common plecos) have an unusual breeding habit in that the male burrows into a muddy riverbank to lay and brood their eggs. This would be very difficult to set up in an aquarium. Common plecos, red spots and gold spots are all bred in large numbers in outdoor ponds in commercial fish farms in Asia and North America.

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thanks well that was a bad idea! lol

No idea is bad - some are just very hard to do. What about creating an outdoor pond and covering it with something like a tunnel house, that way you could keep some warmth in and have an area big enough to try breeding :D

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