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Blue planted lighting upgrade!


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Heya all, i was talking to Less from Animates yesterday and he had a cool solution to my low lighting problem :D

I currently have a Blue Planet 140L

check it out here : http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=43693

My lighting is a total of 26 T5 Watts but even with reflectors the depth of the tank makes them weak.

I want to have lush plant growth, and grow all the light needy plants :DDD

So Solution! :bounce:

1.Remove the current lighting, easy enough as it is all unscrewable.

2. Buy http://www.hollywoodfishfarm.co.nz/product_detail.php?id=1910

3. Get 10000k? lights from a wholesaler?

4. Buy reflectors which will screw into the lid, and then clip the tubes into them.

5. Plants !!!! :D Already have excel. Buy Seachem Flourish.

So i should end up with like 108 Watts of HO T5 lighting with reflectors hopefully doubling the lighting :P


Has anyone used the Hagen lighting system?

And is there something im forgetting? or have missed out, likely i have so please point me in the right way :)


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More people seem to be inclined to throw WPG and total wattage out the door but are more concerned about spectrum and intensity.

Sounds like you have a good plan though, should work well with most plants.

Details on what you'd like to grow?

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I would like to grow lots of things :P haha but im not sure what i can actually get in NZ.

So i googled :) and heres a list of my likes xD

Cardamine lyrata


Anubias minima


Bacopa Caroliniana


Amazon Sword

Elocharis acicularis? Not sure if i can keep with Corys..


Glossostigma elatinoides


Goes with out saying ..


personal favourite.

Rotala sp. 'wallichii' - not sure?


Hydrocotyle leucocephala - already in tank


Hygrophila Corymbosa var Compact


RED!!! - Myriophyllum tuberculatum


Pogostemon stellatus


Im looking for like a really nice mixture of textures and color,


There is also a guy on the forums, cant remember his name, but he has lovely tanks as well,

think he said he works in Animates palmy?

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If im using Excel, would i still need CO2?

Also what kelvin rating should i be going for? 10 000k ?

You won't need CO2 with Excel but the higher the lighting, the better CO2 will be instead of Excel.

I use 6500k on my planted tanks but if I could I'd use a combination of 6500k and 10000k, perhaps one in each socket? Maybe even a 18000k in place of the 10000k?


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No worries, just share you're knowledge and experience with others in future 8)

Can you buy 18k bulbs from Lighting wholesalers?

I don't think so. Power-glo bulbs are 18000k and about $50, available from all good fish/pet stores.

I was thinking about doing one of each, its better to do so right?

Yes, it is better to get a wider spectrum in most cases, I think it applies here too.

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When is the Next Aqua fun day? do you think i should wait for that to buy the things i need?

Depends on your budget and patience, a simple equation will explain all:

Budget > Patience = Wait for the fun day

Budget < Patience = Go all out right now


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Just a general guestimate:

*Lighting unit - 54Watt system? = $200.00

*2 bulbs 10k , 18k = 10000k $30 and 18000k $50 so $80 total

*2 reflectors = Make your own? Maybe $30.00 if you buy them?

*Flourish comprehensive = $30.00 I think?


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