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great read on vodka and other such experiments


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"Experiments" were performed (and I use the term experiment loosely to mean the typical uncontrolled, unreplicated, statistically insignificant sort of "let's add it, see what happens, and produce results that show how my tank never looked better" sort of trials that are often found in aquarium literature).The results showed a precipitous decline in nitrogen and phosphorus levels over approximately one month with increasing doses of vodka. The sample size for the experimental procedure was one (n=1), consisting of a single person's personal home aquarium. There were no controls in the experiment (i.e. an identical tank without vodka being added to see if there actually were results from the treatment). In fact, the sample tank received an increasing dose of vodka during the treatment, making any dosing effect impossible to determine. Additional support for the "experiment" was collected by casual replication in completely different trials in even less controlled conditions; that is, other aquarists began adding vodka and claimed similar "results."

worth the read.

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Many things fall into this class, including many methods people on this board use, including zeovit, which is a point I was making a while back.

Reefkeeping magazine is always worth the time to read, and not just Erics column, Randy's and others are just as useful.

Here's another one which may be appropriate for this forum at the moment.

http://www.reefkeeping.com/issues/2004- ... /index.htm


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I agree layton

I watch the zeovit "black box" experiment with interest. I know that great results are achievable without it, and I do not understand the science behind it. but like everything in life it will eventually be reverse engineered and the truth wil be known.

I think the 5% water change per week + the carbon alone would be an interesting control for the experiement. i look forward to a scientific paper on the topic, but while the true scientic nature of the process remains wrapped in mystery, I doubt we will see any truly statistical results published.

I have great faith in the following things, yet havn't seen that much scientific evidence.

Regular water changes - 5% per week prob better then 10% per fortnight, but see nothing wroung with 10% per week if you can get clean sea water.

Great skimmer

High circulation in tank. - and I mean 10-20 x tank volume turnover per hour....

Weekly trend analysis of your water perameters. - so you know whats happening.

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I agree with the whole Zeovit thing. However after seeing some of the positive changes that happended to my tank after using it, I am currently planing on using it in my new tank.

I was using carbon at the same rate as after I introduced the Zeovit and water changes where also done the same as prior to its use. I did clean my skimmer more, but its because it was making so much more mess.

It would be nice to know whats in it though, but thats obviously not going to happen :/


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the question is not the good they do (which is usually easy to prove), its the side-effects that could ultimately cause problems. often side-effects are rarely tested or hard to test, even in an uncontrolled environment, due to the slight differences in each and every tank. not saying vodka dosing or zeovit have bad side-effects, just food for thought.

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all i know is my tank is doing better for it

thats the problem, i am sure you are convinced, but if ITS SO GREAT where is the scientific n=10 sample test results!

surely zeovit company would sponser and welcome scientific results :lol:

would clear all, doubt, increase sales etc etc opps i have been here.....

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I find it hard to believe that even the dumbest of the dumb could think that smoking was good 4u.

That's the point. There once was a time when this was true. But now the longer term effects are known. Who knows, there may be a time when this is true for zeovit.


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