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Neon, cardinals, glowloights or others...


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So looking for a nice range of hardy fish to go with a large tank with some smallish (5cm) discus, 2 large GBA's and 2 small gba's.

Have tried neon tetras in the past and fiound they dont last long, not sure if the 30 degrees is too high for them or if all the inbreeding has done bad stuff to them (I hear most neons are somewhat weakened by bad dna).

So local pet shop is selling 6 glowlights for a good price so theres an option but want to know if in a general sence, would glowlights handle the 30 degrees temp worst or better then cardinals.....?

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I've had 10 neons in my tank at 29-32 degrees for the past two months and they seem fine.

This may be fine for now/short term

From what i understand, keeping a fish at a higher temperature than it is biologically made for increases its metabolism and in the long term shortens its life span. This is theory and I dont know what length of times its life span is reduced by. I would assume the higher the temp, the more the lifespan is shortened.

I guess you have to weigh up whether the tank will be set up long term to justify the cost of cardinals or short term where neons may be better. If you search the forums you should find some more similar topics which could be of help, I recall this topic being discussed some time ago.

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def dont mind paying abit extra for cardinals, I know animates have 2 for 1 deals every now and then (and fish day is comming up :-) )...

Looking at afew more op[tions though. Never had neon's last long in a discus tank, 5 months would eb considered long :-(

Trying to see if the gloelight tetras fit into the group of non-lasting fish in a discus tank or glowlights are hardy and would doa s well as cardinals. Ideally i would have 2 schools, 1 of glowlights and 1 of cardinals.

also read (cant find ware so dont know if ist true) taht glowlights may carry parasites which discus dont like and which cardinals may not carry (so glowlights being more of a risk to the discus?).... if anyone knows of this, please let me know. Intention is not to kill my discus at the expense of a better looking tank....

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I've had my discus tank set up for over two years now. 20 months ago I purchased 50 cardinals, I am now down to my last 2. 18 months ago I inherited about 45 rummynose tetras (no idea how old they were at the time but they were adult size, I still have 25 of these. At the same time I inherited about 30 neons, these died off within about 12 months.

My opinion is that the rummynose do best in the 30 degree temperatures. They also school nicely and look good and bright.

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