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Breeding Locusts


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Well I have decided that I am going to have to start breeding them so hows does this set-up sound...

3 plastic tubs 40Liter bins...

1 for adult breeding

1 for babys

1 grow out for future breeders

to keep temp up i was thinking about just getting one of these and running under the tubs

http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pe ... 620817.htm

After i place the moist sand in the adult breeders should i just transfer it across the the baby tank after 10days and hope for the best...

then add another ice cream carton of sand? keep that going as a cycle???

Food wise: just greens, as they appear the best

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could i use the cord instead of three lamps? just would be easier and cheaper?

Um with the breeding i was going to have the adults in one tub with icecream containers filled with sand/peat. After 10 days remove the tub and put into the hatchling tank, then add more containers to keep the cycle going? then take around 20 of the hatchlings and place into the growout tank for future breeders? once the adults have died move them in and start all over again, and hopefully i will have more than enough to feed my soon to be hungry mouths.

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I have found that if you have the breeders in one container and move the eggs to the second container it works for me. I move them once a week and they hatch in about 11 days. I leave three containers (3 weeks) in the second container to be on the safe side. The neonates (newly hatched) climb the glass sides and the bigger ones don't so it is easy to gather neonates to feed baby reptiles and leave a few to grow up to maturity for maintaining continuous breeding.

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