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Morcs new loach tank!


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Just converted on the weekend :)


20 x clown loach

20 x tiger barbs (going to add another 20 maybe)

5 x Firemouths

2 x senegalus polypterus

1 x gold spot pleco


Anubias nana variegated

Anubias barteri barteri

Anubias Azfeli

(I like anubias)

Sorry about the poor quality of the pics, dark substrate make taking pics much harder!






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:D :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: awesome, so im guessing the Clowns and barbs schooling together?

you need more plants though ;) lol

EDIT: would you be able to get a better pic of the variegated anubias please :D

Next lot of pics ill get the anubias. its the one in the last pic.

and the barbs and the clowns, due to their similar colour and patterns, appear to be shoaling together which looks cool - that was the intention!

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DUDE!! i like, get more firemouths i reckon, get a community of them, breed them :D:D

Nice to see someone keeping firemouths, I was just thinking what a cool and often overlooked fish they are...

Got 3 more today. count is upto 8 :)

One of my favourite fish. Looking forward to see how this 'species tank' turns out :)

and they are schooling!

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Sounds great bro, get a cool catfish or something i reckon, and maybe some surface dwellers, then youve got all areas of the tank covered :D myabe a knifefish, they are cool.

Nah im keeping at as like a species tank, so just 3 species and good amounts of them - loaches for the bottom, tiger barbs for activity, and the firemouths.

the sens are just way to cool for school, so they get to stay :)

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