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deformed fry?


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one of my guppys had 30+ fry in a guppy trap thisavo and 7 where deformed and 4 where stillborn,she is only younge and is one of my new girls,im wondering if it was just a bad lot or if i should get rid of her because of bad genes? also should i keep the remaining fry? i dont want them to grow up and breed if they are the carrier of a mutant gene lol

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2 days,its a double that was opened up so she could have the whole thing with a plant in for shelter,i dont leave them in if they get stressed and she wasnt overly,a bit of swimming in circles but then she relaxed.

its odd because ive never had this before and i always put the guppys in the trap at the last minute,the fry where reeeaaalllyyy deformed tho like fused together and bent in wierd angles :roll: i might give her one more chance and if it happens when she breeds with my males (she was pregnant when she arrived) i wont breed her again

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Just remember that with guppies females can continue to produce many batches of fry for many months after they were originally impregnated. I can't remember how long but I think its around the 4-6 months timeframe. Therefore I would keep these two girls away from males for around another 6-8 weeks to make sure that the next batch of fry is not from the male they mated with before you got them.

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thanks adodge,yea i knew it was a while i thought it was roughly a month tho,ill google it,to be on the safe side i have seperated all the ones i got form the same person and chucked them in a tank of their own,theres about seven of them so will see what comes out :o what shall i do with the fry out of the deformed lot? they all look healthy and i hate to euthanise fish so shall i leave them ?

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I have to be honest and say I am not really sure but if they look fine and you don't inbreed with them I would think any fry are more likely to be okay than not. I would try it but then again I do like to experiment (but not with siamese fighters anymore :lol:).

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  • 1 month later...

I was just about to ask this question as DD wants to breed from a female guppy that has prev had fry by a different male.

Does the female retains the sperm from the prev mating or will she use fresher stuff from a new mating. Or can they use both?

How long after a 1st mating can you try with a new male and be pretty sure the new male is the father?

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