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Feeding Microworms


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I've been feeding my latest spawn microworms, and I can say that they are doing much better than the last spawn, which ate only BBS. The last spawn I had spent most of their time belly sliding across the bottom of the tank, only surfacing for air when they had to, whereas these guys are quite perky and zippy by comparison.

I was wondering, is it necessary to change them to BBS? I'm having a really hard time hatching any live shrimp, and the fry are patently disinterested in the decap stuff I have to feed them. At the moment they are just coming up three weeks old.

Should I keep trying to get them to eat decap BBS, or is a microworm diet okay for fry?

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I've been feeding my latest spawn microworms, and I can say that they are doing much better than the last spawn, which ate only BBS. The last spawn I had spent most of their time belly sliding across the bottom of the tank, only surfacing for air when they had to, whereas these guys are quite perky and zippy by comparison.

I was wondering, is it necessary to change them to BBS? I'm having a really hard time hatching any live shrimp, and the fry are patently disinterested in the decap stuff I have to feed them. At the moment they are just coming up three weeks old.

Should I keep trying to get them to eat decap BBS, or is a microworm diet okay for fry?

low your fry tank water level. they will be fine, and you may have one or two die, but the majorty of the fries will survilve, and they will be ok when they grow a bit bigger.

personally, i do not recon DECAP ones, hard to clean the fry tank.

good luck!

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