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Sudden neon death.


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Hey i have a random question... last week i cleaned out my tank in the normal way, everything seemed fine until the next morning when i had lost 7 of my neons (leaving me with 6) I have no idea the reason for the deaths, i was prepared to blame myself but was confused in doing so considering all the other fish are fine and happy. Then i came home from work today and now i only have one Neon... again the other fish seem to be ok, i'm so confused. Any ideas of what i have done wrong?

N.B. a couple of the neons were older but healthy but most of them i got only about 2 weeks ago. :( rather annoyed with my new ability to kill neons.

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More details? Size of tank, how long has it been set up? Any other fish in the tank? Whats the "normal" way of cleaning for you? Did you check the ammonia, nitrate, nitrite?

Most people will agree that neons are not hardy fish. I've never had much luck with them. Perhaps you could go for another type of tetra instead? Cardinals are same colours but more expensive, glowlight tetras have an orange stripe and they are cheaper than cardinals but are far more hardy than neons I've found.

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You are the lady that came to our tank parade aren't you? I remember you with all your loaches lol.

The tank has been set up for a about a month or so now. I've got four Kribs, a sword, a platy, and fighter, two honey dwarf gouramis, one bristlenose, one clown loach, one kuhli loach, and one pencil rocket tetra. The tank is about 110litres ish...

I think we have decided it is most likely neon tetra disease :( All other fish are fine and the flat mate noticed things i didn't notice. I've never had an issue with Neons, infact they are more often so happy i'm convinced they want to breed. i think I've just been unlucky this time. I have been advised to not buy anymore... I'm not sure if thats meaning for ever and ever or just with this tank or just for a few months until the tank is more settled and any traces of neon tetra disease has gone. Though i'm not sure if you can remove traces of it from your tank????

I would really love to buy more neons at some point, I have truely never thought of them as being difficult at all, infact i've always found them to be very hardy wee things and they really make the tank look amazing. But for their own good i wont buy them. Like I say, i'm not enjoying my new found talent of fish killing :cry: :oops:

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