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Hi, does anyone know of an Aquarists Society in the BOP.


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:D Hi my name is Peter, I am an expat Pom, I used to keep fish in the UK 10+ years ago. I have just set up my first NZ aquarium and stocked it with about a dozen or so Black Neons, three 3 line Cory's and 6 Discus, two of the discus paired off and spawned within 8 hours of being introduced, exciting stuff. Sadly the other discus thought it was a free kai and ate the eggs. It looks like tank number two will soon be on its way. Anyway what I would like to know is there an Aquarists Society in the Tauranga/BOP region and if the answer is yes were do you meet, if the answer is no then would anybody like to start one? Let me know.
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Hi Peter,... Welcome to the NZ Fishroom.

Sounds like you have had a bit of success already with the breeding, and you can never have too many tanks :)


If you click on the Twin Fishes at the top of the screen it will take you to another part of the site where you will find a full list of the NZ Clubs.

HTH :)

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Hi Peter, welcome to the forum.I'm down the road from you a bit in Whakatane, only just over an hours drive from you.

We have a group of about 8 to 10 of us here. We are affiliated to the NZKA at the moment, and of course the FNZAS, and are considering starting up the Eastern BOP Aquarium and Pond Society.

We have had a couple of meetings, and the members are advised by email.

Our last meeting was a BBQ and celebration of ej having finished his new fishroom and it's opening, we had 12 ppl there, and a good time.

There are several members from your area that are keen to start a club up your way but need someone to put the nose onto the grindstone, and do something about it and organise things.

Last time I was in Living Waters I saw a notice in there about starting a club.

Best you put notices up locally and try to get an interview on the radio.

I advertised for new members on our "buy sell and exchange", and that was the nucleus of our group.

Alan 104

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Alan and Caryl I had a feeling you would say that :lol: I will write up an advert and put it around the local fish shops (not Sanfords), see if we can get something going. How does one join the FNZAS and are there any upcoming events. Alan please let me know when your next meeting will be and I will try and get there.

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welcome , and congratulations on your fish breeding and giving your fish a free feed....

its about time someone got a club going down there..... Alan could be president of two clubs haha

there is alot of great fish breeders down that way so it should be a great club if it gets going

anyway once again welcome and look forward to hearing about your fish breeding and how 1 tank can become 2....3....4....5....etc ...etc

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi all new zealand discus man here..im phill collis former owner of a goldfish farm for over 20 years..here in new place at red hill papakura..

specialising in importing breeding discus..my just over 70 tanks 180 to 300 Liter each will soon be 150..

we have imported years ago and had 400 tanks but many were small and to much work so this time all big..

solar heaters ,air con,and big sky lights to light and heat..turn a tap and all get water..today dull and over cast cold wind.water from rain water 25000 liter going in tanks at 23 C...for 2 hrs..1/2 Liter minute approx..every day..

see www.newzealanddiscus.com for photos etc..i can look after all these tanks because all have under gravel filters / nylon wool to stop river sand going through..

fry dont get lost and easy to net of rubbish..


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