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Tank conversion: marine to fresh


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Hi, I'm not sure whether to post this in the freshwater or saltwater forum - please let me know if I've done it wrong.

My husbands parents have a marine tank at the moment, which they've had alot of trouble with and they've now decided that they'd rather sell the remaining fish and coral and change to tropical freshwater instead so they can have a planted tank that doesn't require as much fiddling.

They're planning to rinse and scrub out the tank thoroughly and replace all the filter media and gravel etc, and give it a chance to cycle fully before they start to populate it.

We weren't sure if that would get rid of enough of the salt residue, or if it would be better for them to set it up as a brackish tank rather than fresh.

Can you guys offer any advice on this?

If they do go to fresh, should we still look at salt hardy plants and fish and if so, are there any recommendations for starters?

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