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Convict Fry - how do i get them out


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I have a 300L tank with 4 convicts, 3 GAE's, 6 Demonsoni and one yellow and black fish I cant remember the name of. Two convicts have paired up and now theres little babies .. As I have never had babies before, a few questions?

1. Do I need to move them out of this tank? If so how, they are teeny tiny..

2. Will my other fish eat them?

3. What do I feed them?

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1. Do I need to move them out of this tank? If so how, they are teeny tiny.. no

2. Will my other fish eat them? probably, but some ought to survive

3. What do I feed them? finely crushed flake food will be fine. Crush it between thumb and finger will be fine enough

You could also try using a turkey baster if you want to try and remove some. The $2 Shop usually has these all year round.

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