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Hi everyone,

As mentioned elsewhere, I picked up ten neons over the weekend from a TFS in Northland. Nothing really exciting about this in general, but I arrived home with one dead. Looked as though it had been caught with the net and squashed, however, the fish I got were a good size, and in great condition.

I watched them over the couple of days and established that I have four, perhaps five females, and the rest males.

My days of spawning, and trying to spawn the neons has long gone, and I had no thoughts of spawning them until last night.

I had done a water change and fitted a homemade waterfall type filter that fits on the outside of the tank and will eventually replace the internal one once it becomes established.

A couple of the neons started chasing each other around in typical tetra fashion, but then I noticed the sex differences, and over the past 40hrs or so they have been going through all the motions of spawning, not just the odd pair, but several pairs, and occasionally two or three males concentrate on one of the plump females.

Nothing special about the water, although it is soft, (tank water) and very slightly acid, with the temp around 78f.

One pair, at this particular moment are racing in and out of the Myriophyllum, round and round.... typical spawning behavior.

Not much point in spawning at this time, as the tank is full of angels :)

They probably haven't noticed this the horny buggers. :)


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Hi Dennis,

Yes, I've bred them, but never managed to rear many. It was in my early days, but I imported water from a very, very soft source, namely from my friends place who lived in Batley in England. They need exteemely soft water and if I remember correctly my pH was around pH6.

There seems to be quite a few that have bred them, and the Cardinals, but at the moment I am just easing myself back into the hobby, but might consider the Cardinals if I get time.



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Dennis said...

> has any one bread neons

Neons have been bred in NZ many times. People like

Trevor Sartorelli in Wellington and Rodney Fletcher in

Chch did it repeatedly years ago, and raised many fry.

These days no-one seems to bother since they're so

cheap in shops.


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