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How to clean Daltons's layered substrate


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Well I'm thinking of switching my substrate from white gravel to a really thin layer of Dalton's aquatic mix with a thick layer of Dalstons propagating sand on top of that.

Since I don't really want to disturb the aquatix mix, how do i clean the sand properly? The tank will have lots of plants so I'm not talking about heavy siphoning...but do i need to mix it a bit (like silica sand) so that gas bubbles don't get trapped underneath? Will my cories or loaches likely dig into the sand enough to disturb the aquatic mix? Is it easy to siphon dirt off the top of the sand without it all coming up like silica sand?

Can I get by without using the aquatix and still have lush plants growing in just the sand?

Finally, does anyone have pics of what the propagating sand looks like in their tanks? I haven't decided whether i'll like the colour or if i want to hold off for something darker and slightly coarser or maybe something like white pool filter sand.

Appreciate the input.


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I clean mine with a sieve and garden hose. Doesnt take long.

Just lightly vac across the top and it will be sweet. With lots of plants hopefully you wont get much dead zones. Cories and loaches will love you for it. If its at least an inch thick then not likely to disturb Aquatic mix.

I have pics over the other way :Dhttp://www.fishkeepers.co.nz/forums/vie ... f=4&t=1930

I use this exclusively with no issues.


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Hard to tell, But probably yes.

I would rather buy new stuff as who knows whats lurking in there. Snails, etc.

Its cheap enough new.


Ask the seller what it is.

I did :P He/she was clueless about it.

If its cheap enough I was thinking of just boiling/baking it. I'm a poor grad student :P

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