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New Tank


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My wife and I finally got the tank we have wanted for some time a few weeks ago and we now have all most finished setting it up.

The tank is 2 meters L x 65cm D x 70cm H

I still have to move a few things around, and have a few more plants to add but thought i would share some pic's now and see what people think





So far we have half of the fish in the tank that will be there once done

2 pictus cats

4 electric yellow

1 Black shark

1 Pleco

2 borneo tiger




Over the next few days will be adding

2 Oscars

2 Green dempseys

6 Electric yellows

and maybe some clown loachs, 2 more pictus cats after a while

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nice tank & stand, very impressive.

as for your stocking, i suggest you do some research of the tiger, oscars & mixing with smaller fish like africans. i only have experience with africans but i believe they get really big & will eat the yellows. i am sure someone can advise what the story is but i would expect it will be a case of one or the other. :)

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Yea, found out a bit more about the tigers after getting them lol. As for the oscars, they have been brought up in the same tank as the yellows and have had no problems at all... the only problem is our oscars are big wimps, there are about 8 out of 15 feeder fish that have lived and grown up in the old tank as well that now push the oscars out of the way :lol:

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Tigers will eat anything they can fit in their mouth. The other problem with keeping them with say oscars, is that tigers will maybe grow only an inch or two per year - even if power fed, whearas the oscar will grow from 0 to 8 inches in that time, so youll end up with a big turd with wings bullying your nice expensive little tigers, so theyll be unstable and youll never see them ;)

As long as you take the stance that the oscar is disposable and if it comes to that you move him on and replace with a new baby one it will be fine :)

The other wild card is the black shark - im a huge fan of them, but they a) get huge (2ft potentially) and b) and one of the most vicious fish you can get. Im sure Ira will be along soon to tell us about her shark :o

Other than that, awesome tank, you have lots of options!

Aro Aro Aro Aro Aro :wink:

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Tigers will eat anything they can fit in their mouth. The other problem with keeping them with say oscars, is that tigers will maybe grow only an inch or two per year - even if power fed, whearas the oscar will grow from 0 to 8 inches in that time, so youll end up with a big turd with wings bullying your nice expensive little tigers, so theyll be unstable and youll never see them ;)

As long as you take the stance that the oscar is disposable and if it comes to that you move him on and replace with a new baby one it will be fine :)

The other wild card is the black shark - im a huge fan of them, but they a) get huge (2ft potentially) and b) and one of the most vicious fish you can get. Im sure Ira will be along soon to tell us about her shark :o

Other than that, awesome tank, you have lots of options!

Aro Aro Aro Aro Aro :wink:

Thanks for the info Morcs on there growing rate. I'm thinking of setting up another guppy tank today just to breed feeders. As for the shark, its not a problem at the mo cause of its size but its one that I will be keeping a close eye on it :lol:

I must say I lmao when I saw

Aro Aro Aro Aro Aro :wink:

Would love one, but just not sure now after everything else I need to keep an eye on :lol:

nice work, id love to do pictus catfish if my ornate wasn't so intense on eating them. :cry:

I know what you mean Fruju, I found that out the hard way sadly and lost a pictus over a year ago now. had to sell the ornate :cry:

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