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Propogating Bananna Plant


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Hi Guys

I was wondering if anyone here knew how to propogate bananna plants. When I bough mine, the roots were attached to a piece of cotton. I placed the plant into the gravel along with the piece of cotton it came with. Now the plant has grown a significant amount and I wanted to re-plant it. The bottom leaves are browning off but are quickly replaced with new bright green leaves.

I was just wondering if I cut the plant, what I have to do to ensure its success? Do I have to attach it somehow to another piece of cotton or do I just treat it as a normal plant and put some weights on it and burry it under the gravel?



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Breakaway, that ain't no banana plant.

Banana plant belongs to the water lilly family (I think) and grows leaves like a w/lilly. Nymphoides aquatica = Banana Plant

I have got them to propagate by putting little cuts into the stem of the leaf, and a small plant arises from that point. I also think that they prefer cool to cold environment

I think the name of the plant in the pic is Star Grass = Heteranthera zosteraefolia

Alan 103

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