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please post the type of food you feed your fish (brand too if possible) also where you get it from and for what type of fish and any experiences you've had with good/bad brands. i have blug tang, couple of clowns, chromis, bi-colour blenny, royal dottyback, mandarin (yeah, i know, live food only) and rabbitfish. of course, what each person posts will be there own experience but im just interested in whats popular amongst different breeds.

in particular, where do you get things like mysis and live food from? i feed flake, nori, spirulina, marine algae (mariperis) and frozen marine tucker. what others are recommended?

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I feed flake once a week, frozen every second week (in addition to the once per week flake).

Nori - 1 sheet every 3 weeks.

All other food comes from the refugium. I have 4 clowns, 1 chromas, 4 tangs, 1 hawkfish, 1 mandarin, 1 scooter blenny, 1 bi colour blenny, 2 bangii and a coral beuty. Refugium is approx 500 litres.


PS: The ocasional moth or something may fly into the tank, and I assume is eaten.

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IRA - Frozen mysiss can be brought from the pet shops here. I have brought it from the Hutt Pet Centre and Animates in Ngaio. It come in some pinky crap, which needs a good rince before you feed it.

Next time I get some i'll get some for you if you like (about $10 a packet), if you find some, grab some for me.

I also have live Mysidd growing and breeding in my refugium.


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I've asked at every pet store I've visited over the last few months, noone has any.:( They USED to have some, but I hadn't bought any in ages since my FW fish weren't too fond of it and that's all I had at the time.

Next time I'm at your place I need to remember to get a bucket of water full of mysid shrimp and pods and things, I don't have any.:(

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My tank is 280 litres and holds 1 Yellow Tang, 1 Scorpius Tang, 2 Blue Tangs, 2 Perc Clowns, 1 Blue Line Clarke Clown, 1 Flame Angel, 1 Lunar Wrasse.

They get Tetra marine flake every day or second day and 1/2 a sheet of nori. A piece of rock with algae grown on it about onces a month. I only feed 1 type of dry food at a time as it take quite a while to get through even a small containers. The tangs are really pandered to with feeding , keeps them nice and fat and growing - nothing worse than skinny tangs.

Tell your LFS to give Biosuppliers in Auckland a call. They can order the Mysis shrimp from them and only have to by a box of about 10 at a time.

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