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Fungus on dsicus :-( heed help


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About 2 weeks ago I put my smaller discus into a small 5L container with tank water. Left him there floating and slowiy added water from another tank which was going to be his new home.

During the day when I was out, he managed to jump out of the container and back into the tank.

I noticed he was a bit scratched up on the side (afew mising scales), nothing major and looked like it would take care of itself.

Yesterday night I noticed that teh scratched up area was abit whiter and today i noticed that hes actually started to fungus. He's been hiding behind teh air stone for 2 weeks too :-(

Ive seperated him from the other guys in the tank (its a small tank but he wasnt ment to be here for so long and he woudl have been in the main tank if he didnt jump out of the container back into the small tank). I've added some aqua salt into the water change for now but looking for teh best way to fix him up, would hate to loose him.

The other side of this bosy seems fine, no fungus, just teh side the picture was taken on.



temp is at 30 deg

60L tank, hes been shup of to about 25L of that using the devider.



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A wet wound (as on fish) often turns white but that doesn't mean that it is a fungus. I would have to see a better photo to know for sure. The wounds could have been colonised by bacteria in the water. A wound with necrotic tissue (dead and dying tissue) can also be colonised by a fungus (as they are opportunists). In my opinion, you should start with the following:

1. Keep clean water - if you keep it clean, you will not need antibacterials

2. Add salt (others may have advice on how much to add for optimum effect)

3. If the area is red surrounding the wound or the fish is genrally unwell or not eating, it might be infected in which case a proper antibiotic is needed (Furan or Erythromycin for example)

4. If the wound has fluffy white on it (not just white bits of tissue) then it could be a fungus in which case methylene blue might help

5. Carry out only one treatment at a time if you can possibly help it

6. Feed the fish well and ensure that it is not stressed as much as possible.

Good luck :wink:

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