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aquascaping suggestions for this tank?


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This is my daughters tank, which has always been a hodge-podge of various spare fish and plant cuttings from my tanks. Couple of months back i decided it looked pretty boring so added the wood and a better light, soon as the light went on a load of plants popped up that i thought had disapeared, some i don't even remember ever being there lol.

So now it looks pretty good i think, and a good carpet of hairgrass has started growing. But short of changing the awful gravel what could i do to improve it a little? Still looks a bit bare i.m.o

Its 100L or so, understocked but I don't want to add any more fishies unless i can find mates for the single ones, has a big algae eater, 6 guppies, a little rainbow, a celestial pearl and a female betta.

Left side of tank -


Right side -


and don't suggest more plants in the right hand corner, Algae doesn't like them there and he removes them every time i try lol

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Firstly, I recommend a darker bakground. Black or dark blue. It brings out the colour of the fish, and plants. You will be amazed at the difference it makes.

Change substrate to a sand

Fill it with more Furcatus Rainbows. :wink: LOL Did you end up getting more when you went to Auckland?? (BTW Hollywoods MT Roskill gave me all their Furcatus that had bent spines. No good for breeding but perfect for display tank)

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the tank is hard up against the wall, tried to get black paper in there once but it was too tight a fit. If i could find something quite stiff i'd be able to shove it in though. Otherwise i guess i could drain most of the water and move it forward a few mm's.

Definately not changing the substrate! one day maybe, but i can't be bothered pulling the whole tank to bits at the moment. It actually has a thin layer of dark sand underneath too, thats what you can see in the middle of the tank, the plants do grow much better in it admitedly.

Maybe i'll get the new substrate, then when i have a day spare i might get inspired and get round to doing it. Could kill two birds with one stone and do the background then too.

Trip to aucks got cancelled, so i didn't get anymore furcatus, but i'm going up on labour weekend so will have a look then. Want a few more of them, and a few more celestials, i feel sorry for those two being all alone.

The heater is one of those annoying non-submersable ones, so theres a big gap above the waterline. Its started looking a bit better lately since some of the woods were too long and poke up, and one of the plants is growing well above water too. I had planned to swap the heater when i can but now i think i might try to get more wood and plants going up there instead, quite like the way they look. The plant thats growing above water i need an i.d for, i've got no idea what its called, but its the one thats in the first pic on either side of the themometer with little round leaves.

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Where to start? :o :lol:

If the plants seem to be growing well, let them grow until you can take cuttings and plant them in groups of 3 or 4, all stems in the same hole. Try to layer it, let the hairgrass take the front, medium sized plants take the middle and the stems take the back.

Before it can eb aquascaped it needs to be tidied up a bit. No need to replace the gravel, the hairgrass should cover it. Any chance of a full tank front on shot? All the tems growing horizontal need to be cut and planted vertical.

HTH, all I have for now :)

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lol, but mr. algae has different ideas. Every few weeks i grab all those big floating pinkish plants and snap them in half, and plant them again, and that night he pulls them out again. The few that are rooted have big rocks on them that he can't move easily.

I think i might do the whole tank over afterall, then i can change the substrate cause i think its too big for the hairgrass to cover, even in the thickest part it still shines through really ugly, and add some rock piles to keep the plant roots under. I worry though that if i disturb algae he might decide to attack the hairgrass, he ignores it at the moment.

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how much do i want to spend? nothing at all lol. Can get black sand for free though.

what look do i want? not sure, i hardly ever pay any attention to this tank but its sort of started looking ok lately, which has snagged my interest and made me think what else i could do to improve it.

i think i might pull it all apart on the weekend and change the background, substrate as suggested, replant everything and weigh the big things down with rocks, then see how it goes.

With rain warnings inplace i'll need something to do for the day :-?

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