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large plastic tray


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where would i get a large plastic tray 400mm wide x 1500mm long (or 1400mm long if necessary) by about 100-500mm high? i want to put it under my tank with a drain back down to my sump downstairs incase of any small leaks in the closed loops. not an easy thing to search for on trademe nor look for on the web!

im going to try payless plastics tomorrow but to save me searching, does anyone else have any good ideas?!

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What about a custom made wooden box (drip tray) under the tank, sealed by sealient paint? That will make is maximum size for the tank, and hey it doesn't need to be water tight for long, just long enough to divert water to the hole! Not like water is going to sit in there forever!

You may have trouble getting it under you cabinet because of supporting legs?


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I think dog kennels would not work as they are too high.

The option i would go for would be to make one out of perspex.

You can drill it

cut and glue to whatever size you like

and heat it and bend it so it slopes to one point (ie drain hole)

I am sure you can pick up pieces cheap some place.

the thickness for the base would only need to be about 6mm

the sides would have to be 10mm otherwise they could warp!


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cheers all. pies - yeah custom made timber could be an idea. however, a tray at the size i require I can get it under there (already measured it!) as i have room to the left of the tank at the back. already sent a couple of emails off to plastic suppliers/manufacturers for a price to have one custom made. so long as its cheap?! we'll see how tomorrow goes at payless plastics...!

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why would a closed loop leak? If it was done correctly it will not leak.

Its a good point.

Good pumps won't leak. Hence the reason many of us have skimmers with external Ehiem pumps on them etc. They don't leak. Same with your return pump etc too.


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