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Guest Cam

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I was just wondering what happens if you cross a HM Plakat with a HM? Will there be 25% Short finned, 50% longish finned and 25% normal looking HMs? I heard that if you cross them together they have stronger fins. Is this true?

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pk are generaly used for fighting due to the tougher scales etc and less chance of ripping fins etc

pk is gene so the amount of split between a spawn can vary.. would depend on the genes of the mother/father etc

if there is more of that gene present you might get more or less etc

it will either go one way or the other... not that im that good at the genetics thing! :P

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The only reason for crossing HM's and PK's that I know of is to strengthen the rays in the cadual fin because HM's fins are prone to being weak. But the resulting offspring will be a mixture of HM and PK's and maybe some in the middle. Then if you breed the offspring with the biggest tail to another unrealted HM, they may throw some PK's.

It all depends on the lineage really.

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So I could breed a HMPK to a HM then breed some of the fry to a HM to get fry that will have stronger fins and throw a few PKs? Or would I need to breed the HMPK into the HM for a few generations for the fry to get stronger fins.

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I think that as soon as you introduce the PK to your line, the fines of the resulting fry will be stronger. If you breed those fry with another PK, those resulting fry will have even stronger fins but there will be more PKs. Correct me if I'm wrong?

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Thats what I thought and thats why I thought If I only breed PK in once then the fins will be stronger but not as many PKs will come through in the next generation and eventually you'll end up having only HMs come through.

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