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Any digital camara experts?

Carlos & Siran

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A few years back we came into some money and bought ourselves a Sony DCR-DVD610, wasn't expensive but wasn't cheap either. Takes good photos outside, but inside photos are terrible.

And now with the small tank comp we're finding we can't take competitive pics at all. They're all dark and have no detail, we've been through the manual and changed the settings as best we can but nothing is helping. So we were wondering if anyone had any experience with this particular model or if anyone had any hints regarding lighting and taking good clear Aquarium photos, thanks all

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I'm not surprised you can't match a good quality still picture camera with a mid range video camera. You have absolutely the wrong equipment to come close to competing. The average CHEAP still camera right now has about 10 times the resolution that video camera does along with probably several times the light sensitivity.

It seems to be a reasonably good video camera, but your best bet is to buy a still picture camera.

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I agree with Ira.

That camera is a DVD handycam and the resolution is .8 megapixels by memory. ( i sell cameras at work)

Video cameras are designed for that, Video

You can pick up basic point and shoot digital cameras that will be 10 times better than that for photos for around $150- $200.

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cheers peeps, another example of retailers selling whatever to make a buck. We explained that we wanted a video camera that would take good stills, no one explained that video cameras don't take good stills. we're prolly going to have to drop out of the comp now as a new camera is fairly low on the priority list, have to have a look at what's on TM I guess.

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A few years back we came into some money and bought ourselves a Sony DCR-DVD610, wasn't expensive but wasn't cheap either. Takes good photos outside, but inside photos are terrible.

And now with the small tank comp we're finding we can't take competitive pics at all. They're all dark and have no detail, we've been through the manual and changed the settings as best we can but nothing is helping. So we were wondering if anyone had any experience with this particular model or if anyone had any hints regarding lighting and taking good clear Aquarium photos, thanks all

Right a couple of things here.

Make sure you are taking the photo in the day time and also try a white back round.

If need be move the tank over to a window to take a pic,

Sometimes inside it can mean darker photos due to not enough light, So a good sunny day and a white back ground Might make a little difference.

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Right a couple of things here.

Make sure you are taking the photo in the day time and also try a white back round.

If need be move the tank over to a window to take a pic,

Sometimes inside it can mean darker photos due to not enough light, So a good sunny day and a white back ground Might make a little difference.

This will not change the fact that the resolution and light sensitivity is less than most cellphone cameras now.Moving a tank is not a practical way to photograph it!

Im sure there are other fish keepers in Whangarei that would take some pics for you and upload them on your PC.

If you were closer I would offer.

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cheers peeps, another example of retailers selling whatever to make a buck.

I don't know if that's necessarily the case. It sounds like you went up to him and said, "We want a video camera that takes good stills." So he went to the video cameras and gave you one that, for a video camera, takes good stills. Unfortunately, sales people can't be expected to always know when giving a customer what they ask for is a bad thing.

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I don't know if that's necessarily the case. It sounds like you went up to him and said, "We want a video camera that takes good stills." So he went to the video cameras and gave you one that, for a video camera, takes good stills. Unfortunately, sales people can't be expected to always know when giving a customer what they ask for is a bad thing.

a good salesman would have found out that they wanted it to take stills like a still camera & explained how badly a video camera takes stills then sold them a video camera & a still camera.

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You could use the video and take screen shots of the video and enter that in the comp. If anything it might get better pic because you can so shot by shot till you find a good one

This will still not make a difference.If a camera has low resolution for stills, it will be worse for video.Unless of course your camera is HD

Smidey, I do agree with your comment, but most people just look at you when you tell them that, and think you are trying to sell them more than they need.

Its not easy being a salesperson. Everyone assumes you are trying to rip them off.

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Smidey, I do agree with your comment, but most people just look at you when you tell them that, and think you are trying to sell them more than they need.

Its not easy being a salesperson. Everyone assumes you are trying to rip them off.

its how you go about it. if they want a still camera this is the range, if they want a video camera this is the range. if they won't both in one you need to convince them that there is no such thing & that there are options either way.

"there are video cameras that take low quality stills or still cameras that take ok quality videos. which one would you prefer mrs jones?"

"I won't to be able to do both" she replies

"OK, then you will need one of each to achieve want you want to do".

you need to assess their needs & give them the option of what is available. Once she has decided or accepted that she needs both sell her on the features of each. people will have a priority, if the have an fixed amount to spend that is their range & what they will shop on but someone with $ will start to see features & their benefits.

i found it's mostly about gaining their confidence, if i were selling the video player i would explain exactely what its capable of especially if the customer is asking for it to do something it isn't really designed to do. To do that i would first need to find out every detail about it which IMO is where most cowboy salesman fall down. they just say "yeah it will do that" either not knowing if it will or knowing full well it won't do it just to make the sale.

this IMO is driven by the commission only setup which forces people to sell or simply earn nothing so they are desperate to get the $ which becomes the priority rather than settingthe client up with want they want/need. when you combine the confidence with turning the clients wants into needs selling becomes very easy.

up until january this year i had been selling kitchens for the last 8 years & in the last year i sold almost $1.3m which was around 180 kitchens & this is what i had done to be sucessful.

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Thank you for that lesson in retail Smidey.

I need to be told how to do my job :-?

You must remember though. Alot of people only hear what they want to hear.Most of them ask you the same question you already answered only minutes ago.

Now, I no longer wish to discuss the pros and cons of retail proceedures.

Its detracting from original post.( im self moderating)

Signing off 8)

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Thank you for that lesson in retail Smidey.

I need to be told how to do my job :-?

You must remember though. Alot of people only hear what they want to hear.Most of them ask you the same question you already answered only minutes ago.

Now, I no longer wish to discuss the pros and cons of retail proceedures.

Its detracting from original post.( im self moderating)

Signing off 8)

I didn't intend it to be a "this is how you must do it" or "this is how to do your job", so sorry about that. I have missed a few "IMO's" :)

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