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murdered babys


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I think I have killed my baby angels. :oops: For weeks I have had a couple of Angels dominating the tank laying eggs then nothing. I thought I would change around the tank and see what happens. I don't really want babys anyway. Yesterday I see that the babys have hatched I thought it was some sort of furry fungus but no. So this morning I decided to move the parents and babys to another tank to stop some of the aggression. So carefully took the parents out and transferred then. Then came the babys which were holding onto two leaves. scopped them up and pop then in the new tank. Mummy angel has moved them all to the glass bottom and i can't see the babys moving any more. I guess I'm a bad fish owner.

The reason I am writting this is what do I do now if any survive. Do I need to buy some baby food or will the parents provide? I have read that the mother angel will lay egggs and the hatchlings will eat these to egin with.

Any help would be appreciated.

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if they survive you could buy some liquid fry food, and no, the adults wont lay new eggs for the fry to eat.

when transfering the babys you need to use a icecream container and keep them in water rather than useing a net, it will help to reduce stress and the new tank needs to be filled with water from the original tank

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thanks I did use an icecream container and used the original water from the tank. Parent fish are still looking after the wrigglers on the bottom of the tank so maybe they arn't dead. I see they have taken all the ones that remained on the leaves and put them with the others on the bottom of the tank. I guess I will just have to wait and see what happens now. :-?

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If I remember correctly, our one and only successful spawn did exactly that, they stayed on the bottom still for a couple of days, then began to move as their egg yolks were used up.

However we still were able to kill them off, clening tank, and forgetting to turn heater back on in the middle of winter........ :oops:

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Don't feed them untill they are Free Swimming and have used up ALL their Egg Sac.

Then feed with Microworms, you may need to get a culture off somebody on here, you can feed Hatched Baby Brine Shrimp aswell.

Feed 5-6 times a Day, with small water changes daily, they will only need to be in a Tank of shallow Water.

I used to have them in just enough Water, to make sure the Heater was covered.

I would remove Mum and Dad and raise them yourself. Mum and Dad will more than likely Eat them.

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