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Brown water in aquarium.


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Hi, tank has been set up for a few months now, at least 40gals, filter, and heater. 3 swords, 3 tiger balms, 5 neons, 3 golden barbs and 1 catfish. no live plants in tank. Change water every 5-6 days.


I had a tank setup with no plants and no fish in it.

I found it goes brown but I put some plants in it the other day and it is clear now :-?

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Hi, tank has been set up for a few months now, at least 40gals, filter, and heater. 3 swords, 3 tiger balms, 5 neons, 3 golden barbs and 1 catfish. no live plants in tank. Change water every 5-6 days.

Hi there and welcome!

When you say you change the water every 5 - 6 days, how much of the water do you change and how do you change it?

Most people tend to change between 20% and 50% of their water, once a week (although there are plenty of variations on that). Depending on your water supply, there might be something in the tap water that could start off an algea or bacterial bloom, or you might be stirring up something from the bottom of your tank that causes a bloom to start.

The more info you can give us about the tank, the more likely someone is to be able to pick out the likely cause of the problem, so here are some more questions for you:

  • What size is your tank? (I know you have said it's at least 40 gals but I'm not clear if you're talking UK or US gallons, also it might be useful to know how wide it is in relation to its height)
  • Where do you live? (You can add this to your profile by going to the User Control Panel at the top of the page)
  • Do you use any water treatment products when you add new water?
  • What kind of filter do you have?
  • What else is in the tank apart from fish? Do you have gravel in the bottom? Any decorations like shells or ornaments?

Well I think that's enough questions for now! I'm sure we will be able to help you when we know more about your setup. :D

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