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How to identify


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I guess this is easy to most of you but being my first real fish in 20 years I, well a lil out of touch.

I recently got myself a lil male fighter, Im just wondering how to tell what kind he is? Do i have to put i mirror near him and see how his fins look when flared up (unsure of terminology when they do their lil thing lol) too see what kind he is?

I dont think hes a Halfmoon but I really have no clue. Im guessing this cant be distinguished by colour.

I would like to know what he is though because breeding them is fast becoming something Im very interested in. But I would like to make sure I dont mix breeds up to much, Id rather have seperate tanks with the different breeds in rather then mixing and matching, at least till I have a reasonable about of knowledge on them.

Ok just a few other things to ask,

HF = Halfmoon I know that one, but none of the other fighter abrieves so if someone knows where a topic already has that or can reply them here, I been searching through these all night and my intrest is just climbing further, I keep getting side tracked, at this rate im going to have to read every single post on this forum before i sleep tonight lmao

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posting a photo would let us give you some idea, even better if you can get one of him with his tail out showing off for the mirror (flaring).

Crowntails have longer rays in their fins, that extend past the webbing.

Plakats have short tails, as mentioned, and can be any of the other types as well.

Veiltails are the type most commonly seen at pet shops, with tails that hang/trail behind them like a veil, and don't fan out.

Deltatails have tails that spread out like a fan, superdeltas spread really wide, almost up to 180 degrees, and halfmoons spread to 180 degrees wide, so you can draw a straight line between the top and bottom edge of their tails.

<-- halfmoon

figure out which one sounds most like your boy, then take a look here http://bettysplendens.com/articles/catview.imp?catid=857 for pics to confirm :)

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More great info thanks a bunch . Im almost certain hes a VT now, blue/red/purple kinda colours make him a very pretty lil man. Although a mirror hasnt worked as far as getting him to flare up yet, I think hes still a lil shell shocked from his previous owner. I havnt tried the mirror trick this morning, and hes a different fish today, confidently swimming around the entire tank, Ill give it a try after breaky :D

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Sorta figuring Coby is Violet, he looks red some times then blue some times then purple, depending on the angle of the light. I know VT aint very sort after but Im kinda thinking this colouring might be worth breeding him with another fighter, royal blue perhaps might make for some nicely violet fry.

Wonder if I should try get Violet VT's for breed him with another kind, its all so interesting... He keeps blowing bubbles so he seems up to the challenge!

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i've never seen a fighter i wanted as much as my boy, he's so purdy and friendly, i show him off to all my visitors :)

There's something about their nature that makes them so appealing, no matter how they look.

I hope david will keep breeding once babies settled in

Jfishfanatics fighters are stunning too :bounce:

I saved this pic off aquabid ages ago, sorry i can't credit it to wherever it came from, but the colour is amazing - http://ruapehucatrescue.googlepages.com/p1912018.jpg

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i've never seen a fighter i wanted as much as my boy, he's so purdy and friendly, i show him off to all my visitors :)

There's something about their nature that makes them so appealing, no matter how they look.

I hope david will keep breeding once babies settled in

Jfishfanatics fighters are stunning too :bounce:

I saved this pic off aquabid ages ago, sorry i can't credit it to wherever it came from, but the colour is amazing - http://ruapehucatrescue.googlepages.com/p1912018.jpg

Will have to hunt around for a pic of 'your boy' he sound neat, wow those colours are amazing too.

BTW does it stress them out having them flare up at a mirror or another fighter?

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Ah right, yeah I can see why it was 'love at first site' that fish is a beauty, love those blues realy nice. Good to know, as long as im not stressing him out, Ive only done it twice and the first time he went and hid, this mornin tho it was all show, that mirror fish was in for it

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