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Is there such a thing.. coldwater bristlenoses


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Hi folks

Curious...Is there such a fish that I can have in my tank with my goldfish???

What coldwater algae / bottom feeding fish alternatively can I have in this tank??


Bartering Rocks my world :hail:

Coldwater bristlenoses? No.

It is completely possible to have them in a cool tank with goldfish though. Put a heater in it and set it for 22ish, both fish should be fine.

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Hi folks

Curious...Is there such a fish that I can have in my tank with my goldfish???

What coldwater algae / bottom feeding fish alternatively can I have in this tank??


Bartering Rocks my world :hail:

Snails. 8)

Also please do not put a BN in cold water even if anypet store says you can.

If you feel the need to put one in then get a heater and set it at 22 and just keep a eye on the fish.

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we have a goldfish tank at school. I noticed a bristlenose in it one day and puzzled over why it was in there because I couldn't see any heating. It's a tank maintained by some outside agency.

Anyway, not long after that I noticed it was gone. Then last week most of the goldfish were been removed.. and the two remaining have whitespot and cloudy eyes!! The guy is supposed to be coming back to collect the other two... poor things.

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A bristlenose would have great trouble coping in a tank at a school as there is no heating overnight and I have never been in a well insulated class room! As said, they can cope with semi tropical but they are not cold water fish.

yes I was very worried for it. The lady who feeds the fish said she didn't know what happened to it. The maintenance guy must have takne it away. It was just a little one that hid most of the time behind the fake Val at the back. The library is quite warm, but you're right -- not warm enough at night.

Up to recently the tank has looked quite clean and the fish in good health, but not anymore. There's slimy stuff floating at the top too.

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They will do fine in a cold water tank just make sure you climatise them, I have had Bristlenose pair breed in the cold water tank with swordtails & guppies as well spawn, and Albino corys there was no heater at all, But make sure you do your water changes and condition water, and all should go well. Driftwood and Plants.

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They will do fine in a cold water tank just make sure you climatise them, I have had Bristlenose pair breed in the cold water tank with swordtails & guppies as well spawn, and Albino corys there was no heater at all, But make sure you do your water changes and condition water, and all should go well. Driftwood and Plants.

All not coldwater fish.:) Most not have gotten too cold or all of them would have died.

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They will do fine in a cold water tank just make sure you climatise them, I have had Bristlenose pair breed in the cold water tank with swordtails & guppies as well spawn, and Albino corys there was no heater at all, But make sure you do your water changes and condition water, and all should go well. Driftwood and Plants.

yeah wow I thought those were all so not cold water fish. I suppose they could survive like the ppl who told me 1 cory was sweet as, it will survive but I hardly think its a happy life. I was told of a corydora called bubbles coz it never ever settles and adhd acting up and down the bubble fall at the back of the tank, this is the same lady that told me either 1, 3. 5, 7 or 9 corys and 1 was ideal. I said no wonder its adhd its stressed. Like ppl say if you really have to put a BN in a tank with a goldfish compremise and get a heater they aint criminally expensive for what you get and at least you have peice of mind in knowing the fish are happy. Personally I would get snails too, and get a tropical tank for a BN

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haha you might be right there Caryl

They lived in cold water tank for over 2 years and as i said even bred so they can but maybe your area gets a lot colder there temperature didn't show on the thermometer. And i am not lying either.

No ones calling you a liar man, Im just saying I personally wouldnt do it is all.

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I imagine an Aucklander's idea of cold differs somewhat to that of those of us further south :wink:

This may be true but I think it depends more on the individual house - for example whether it has insulation and/or heating! My Canadian Sis-in-Law never ceases to be amazed at how cold our Kiwi houses are. An indoor 'cold water' tank in snowy Canada would be much warmer than the same tank in a house in faux-tropical Auckland. :lol: Just because we run around in mumus and bare feet doesn't make the place warm! :roll:

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