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Newbie with his first tropical tank


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Hi all

Have made some great deals bartering with fish ( for home baking ) and getting a heater for free ( though exchanging some Big V cans in the end )

I have

4 neons

25 guppys of various ages ( 2 strains )

1 Angel Fish

1 Platy

Lost one tiny fry to the angel fish - all the others were of larger size

Have been told I can feed guppies grated frozen ox heart - is this correct - because of the other fish in tank is this food ok for them. Do I cook ox heart first or freeze raw and then grate into tank??

My wife getting me a second tank soon

What is in your opinion the best filternation system


the filter / pump that hangs over the edge, sucks up the water & then spits in out like a water fall ( sorry about the poor laymans description ) ( this is what I have in the above tank - my new tank has the same system



Im in Woolston, Christchurch..Does anyone have a working 50 - 50w heater in exchange / barter for some fresh made to order chocolate or banana cake - believe me they are delicious

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OOPs forgot to mention folks that the cakes for heater barter deal is only for Christchurch area only...due to posting cake...not a good idea...Im only on a scooter so cant do loonnnnng trips ( remember I live in Woolston )

No worries dude... I don't have a heater to help you out sorry I was just curious about the baking! Although that pineapple carrot cake sounds divine! :bounce:

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I almost want to go and buy a heater just so I can barter it for some cake :lol:

The filter you describe (with the waterfall effect) is known as a "hang on the back" or HOB filter. These work well, as do undergravel (UGF) filters.

If you have a planted tank and an UGF, you need at least 4cm of substrate so the plants keep enough nutrients around their roots. I am a fan of the good old UGF if the tank is 2ft or less (80L or less). They need a separate pump to run them and if you have a dual outlet pump you can attach other things to it as well ie bubble walls, airstones.

The HOBs work well too and come in varying sizes depending on tank size. You need space for them to hang outside the tank plus the water level needs to be close to the lip of the overflow on the filter or the noise will drive you nuts! :roll:

Many prefer an external canister filter as these are situated outside the tank so no need to try and hide them within the aquascape. You can get internal canister filters too.

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Currently feeding the above (first posting) fish

combination of

Home Brand Fish Food Granules ( suitable for all fish types )

JBL Novo Red flakes ( I know that these are for Goldfish ) but these fish seem to love it.

Is Goldfish fish food a definite no - no for tropical fish?

Looking through Livebearers forum about what to feed them and found recipe for ox heart with the veges & hard boiled egg yoke and the link for the obtaining a meal worm culture. R these two just treats oor can feed once - twice a week?

Gave a small piece of zuccinni and the guppys loved it

The ox heart & meal worms...can I feed to the angel fish & Platy as sharing the same tank?

Im not over feeding them but would it be advisable to get a cat fish to tidy up the left overs ?

Thanks for all the help and suggestions

Bartering Rocks My World :hail:

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Is Goldfish fish food a definite no - no for tropical fish?


found recipe for ox heart with the veges & hard boiled egg yoke and the link for the obtaining a meal worm culture. R these two just treats oor can feed once - twice a week?

Treats once or twice a week are fine

Gave a small piece of zuccinni and the guppys loved it

Try also cucumber, peas (remove the shells) and other greens

The ox heart & meal worms...can I feed to the angel fish & Platy as sharing the same tank?


Im not over feeding them but would it be advisable to get a cat fish to tidy up the left overs ?

Always pays to have bottom, middle and top dwellers.

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