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NSW around NZ


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Well, I finally decided that I would check out NSW around ChCh.

Here are the results from basic tests:

Salinity 1.024

Mg 1110

Ca 300

KH 5

NO3 Undetectable

PO4 Undetectable

Other crap Untestable by me.

Calcium is very low, Mg a little low for my liking too. Still no incentive to change.


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Don't forget to warm the water to 'reef' temprature before testing. Otherwise you params won't make a reasonable comparision.

The bottom line is the water will be fine for the reef tank (proof in all the tanks using it).

This 'issue' is all the stuff your not testing for 'petrol', 'onion', 'decaying bodies', 'urine', 'dead farm animals' etc.

Sea water is sea water, give or take a few params it will be fine. Its the 'unknown' factor that makes it so exciting.


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I would choose to get my water from the South Coast over the west coast. But when I do get my water I get it from 'fiti ray a' (sp?) park.

Just collect on the imcomming tide, and not from stagnint rock pools you will be fine. Perhapps next time I go out you want to meet up?


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Just a comment about the low calcium mentioned by Iduncan, I've done a lot of testing of NSW myself, and found that where I collect, which is the Takapuna boat ramp, the calcium content can vary depending on conditions.

With an onshore wind, calcium can be down to 280.

However with a good offshore wind, crystal clear water collected just before high tide, calcium will be 400, and MG will also be good.

Might be wrong, but my theory is that surface water is not as good quality as deeper water. So, with a good offshore wind on an incoming tide, the surface water is moved seawards, and deeper water is moved landwards, for collection at the ramp. That's my THEORY only, however, calcium and other levels will be good, at Takapuna boatramp anyway, if the following conditions apply - Strong offshore wind and water flat, water crystal clear, just before high tide.

Some people will disagree, but I've found modest rain to have little effect on measureable parameters, including salinity, if the above conditions are met.

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I will def go tonight, was going to last night but got chatting with Brendan - (i am difficult to get rid of!!!!)

and time passed..........

No not a zeovertz convert yet, just interested in all the opinions out there.......

But its time to get a 200L barrel from barry and go collecting!

I want to get some glass shrimps for my beta as well!

where is the best place close to north shore?

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If you are going to Takapuna and want shrimps, go towards Milford and hang a right just before you get there down one of those streets like Saltburn that take you to the beach. There is some rock pools there, at night with a torch they are swarming with shrimp.

Trouble is, you will want high tide to get water, and low tide to get shrimp.

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