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RIO 125 Aquarium

RC Flyer

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I'm a total newbie to fish keeping and have been lurking on this forum for a little while now to get some background knowledge After seeing posts here, talking with a couple of people in the know and doing some price checking about the place I have decided to buy one of the all in one aquarium set ups and have been looking at a couple on the auction sight that dare not speak it's name. So I registered here and here I am. There is a RIO 125 here in Chch on 'that' site that seems to come with everything I would think I would need. What can people tell me about the RIOs and if anyone knows the particular one on 'that' site that I mean, is it a complete setup? Could you think of anything else apart from fish and water for it?

I strange first post eh? But any input would be greatly appreciated.

RC Flyer

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Hi and welcome to this site :D

It's a great tank to start with the only thing that some people dont like is the gap by the filter and the fact that it's really hard to clean (in that spot)

other than that the only thing you would need is a few test kits (PH, Ammonia, nitrites and nitrates)

Also what were you planning on sticking it there fish and plant wise

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Hi and welcome. I would like to point out the exception to the Trademe rule; exception - if you are genuinely interested in buying the item and want to learn more about the use of the item and if it will be ok for your purpose :wink:

Okay Moderator type person Caryl. If I have right what you say, here is what I am interested in buying:

http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pe ... 417158.htm

From ringing around the Juwel stuff is pricey, but was recommended as a good quality all-in-one setup to start with and with the extras up for offer here, is there anything else that would be needed (thanks for the reminder about test kits Nick)?

As for the fish Nick, looking at a simple community tank. Neon Tetras, Zebra Danios, Platies, Salt Pepper Catfish, Guppies, Mollies and Siamese Fighter. Basic really. But could all change once money is laid down or if something really takes our fancy. But at this stage a simple community tank is our current thinking. Nothing hard and fast.

RC Flyer.

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That stand is not the right one for that tank. It should be the same colour.

That stand is for the plastic black juwel, not the wood grain one.

Juwels are pretty good. have a look in the beginners section for the juwel vs. aquaone thread and have a read through that as well.


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