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my latest hm spawns


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Hey Sam...

yeah some of the colors are really begining to come in now

ive treated all the tanks with IAL for now so its really hard to take piks

i normally dose the tank then WC it till its gone

then re dose... just so they dont become reliant on it

since ive dosed it looks like the colors are improving already , some of the colors are becoming more vibrant

down side is the visibility in the tank is minimal... bad for photos but not too bad for looking at

the black hm spawn has almost caught up to the reds in size which is funny because of the almost 2 month age difference!!

amazing what diff food makes! :)

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defintly will be uploading more update piks soon.. just got to get around to taking some more pictures of them :)

they havent changed much since last lot just grown a bit more..

few have grown longer fins but nothing dramatic yet , just bit more color in finage :bounce:

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They're looking good :hail: :bounce: . How do you plan to house the males when you have to jar them?

ive got a custom heated fish room currently in the build.. so that will solve most of my problems

until then the ones that ive already had to seperate (already seperated couple of the blues due to their size and dont want them damaging fins) are in one of my two aqua one 12cell storage display units

these are okay for growing fighters.. although i dont think its fair to keep them couped up in them for their whole lifes..

i keep a couple of tanks that i alternate fish in to give them time to swim .

are setting up a couple of large 160litre tanks for the bottle storage method.. execept i plan to use 3l juice containters to give them more room to swim

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any update on that yellow one from the blue black spawn? i want that one :bounce: male or female? and can i get a couple of females from that spawn when they older? setting up another female tank

i had a look around for him/her when i took the last piks.. will check again later when i do WC

the blacks have started darkening up now as have alot of the other colors some of the color patterns are starting to look real nice and seems to be a very good spread of colors in the tank.... pity they tend to move so much... it takes about 60photos to get a few to post up here that arent a blur as they swim around constantly

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