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Substrate linked to algae bloom?


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I have Daltons aquatic mix on the bottom and washed sand on the top for a substrate and doing 100lt water changes every two to three days in a 300lt tank also using TLC for freshwater aquariums and I can't seem to get rid of green water.

Would it be something to do with the substrate or maybe a plant would be the cause.

Has anyone else had this problem and how do you fix it.


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Try a week long blackout. Cover up the whole tank and turn off all lights. Feed fish once a day if needed and check if water is clear again. Once clear you can go back to normal.

I don't think the substrate is doing it. How new is the tank?

Plants compete with algae so those will reduce it in the future.

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Firstly, lets look at possible causes.

I use exclusivly Daltons and do not have green water issues, so maybe there are other factors.

You have not mentioned you lighting regime or intensity.

Have you tested the water for Phosphates??

How much are you feeding?

Where do you source your water?

There are many factors to keep in mind with algae, and unless you find the cause, you will more than likely be battling it again in the future.

WHile the Daphnia idea does work, It certainly will ot in a tank that houses fish. The fish will love you for it, but the Daphnia will not last more than ten minutes.

Here is a great link to an article about algae. Its causes and how to control it.



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