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Advice on egg and fry rearing


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Hi i had a mystery fry the other day (yay my bettas are breeding!!!) its a split tail too!!!

So today i lifted the polystyrene and there a heap of eggs. I quickly put the polystyrene back but noticed eggs were falling out left right and centre. So i yanked them out and they are sitting in a glass on top of the tank with a lid on.

Should i try to reintroduce them to the tank ?(by the way this guys nest is dismally small, basically just eggs)

Do you think the eggs will hatch out in the glass?

Is there anything i can do with the eggs in the glass to raise the hatch rate?

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yeah thanks for the advice, guys. Big old busy body is gona let mother nature do what mother nature does. Eggs have now gone back and dad either ate them or has moved them into his nest. A bit of a fail!!! i will let you know if i get a hatch, at least now i know ive got eggs and a good daddy.

Question: should i remove mum and dad when i see wrigglers????

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I've heard that it's better to leave the father in until the fry are free swimming and can even be left in with them until the males start fighting, in fact, keeping him in witht he fry is said to lessen the aggression. Mother should be removed after spawning.

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I've heard that it's better to leave the father in until the fry are free swimming and can even be left in with them until the males start fighting, in fact, keeping him in witht he fry is said to lessen the aggression. Mother should be removed after spawning.

It also depends on the father,

e.g if you see fry disappearing take him out if not leave him in and the female should be removed as he no longer sees her as a mate but as a threat

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leaving the father is supposidly keeps agresssion down..

remove female after spawning

i generally remove the male once all fry are free swimming

ive left the male in there for two weeks before but he looked to be getting frustrated as he kept trying to round the fry up and put them back in the nest... then numbers looked to be decreasing so i removed him

others have had good luck but the safer option is removing him too ;)

read up on that site above.. should give you some good tips

i would reccomend liquidfry now if you havent already... otherwise alot of the fry will starve to death

then start microworms asap

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catfish and plecs generally arent a threat to fry i find they keep the algae down int he tank and eat the waste

if any get eaten they prob arent best of health and need culling anyways

i keep couple plecs in each of my fry tanks to aid in cleaning

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