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Where to get tadpoles in Auckland?


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Hi guys.

I'm setting up a habitat for the first time in many years and I’ll be looking for a few green bell tadpoles to start with.

I would like to buy them unless there is a place I can catch them, preferably from a well sustained population and no disease.

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Ok last night a friend told me of a very close location. He lives near by and says the croaking of frogs can be heard from time to time.

sure enough i parked where the little blue car is, and the first thing i see is a cat which had caught a 6CM frog. Like i had a chance of rescuing the poor little guy. But i did have a close enough look at it to believe it was a golden bell (don't hold me to that).

After this both negative and possitive find i walk to the pond and with my tourch spotted a few little frogs on the opposite edge of where i stood.

I'm glad to see them in what appears to be good numbers considering the isolation of this small pond in the middle of the subburbs.

I might return when we can expect them to spawn and see how they are doing. I'm more then likely to buy a few taddy's but just maybe keep this little spot in the back of my head.

If any body is interested I will PM where it is. As I don't want to advertise it to have every man and his dog go there and remove every last one. Cats seem to be bad enough


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They had to have been released here as tadpoles within the last 5 or 6 years as the area was all bulldosed virtually to the clay. Then roads went down and houses were built.

That or, they made it there somehow via drain pipes.

It's hard tracking them down in the suburbs as most ponds/lakes are occupied by carp, eels or patroled by cats and dogs. If of course they aren't polluted

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I was driving through the Wairarapa countryside one rainy night and there was a mass migration over one part of the road

it looked like :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: only more so

tried my best to not squish too many!

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