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Crushed coral sand


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Silicates aren't bad. I think it's another myth which needs to be dispelled. The natural solubility of silica sand doesn't come close to the higher levels of silicate actually found in NSW. I have a refugium of silica sand, with no issues. I'm running it dsb style to try and reduce nitrates. There is no doubt that a dsb will reduce nitrate efficiently (just don't want one in my display), and silica sand is the perfect substrate for a dsb. Reasonably fine, so the required oxygen gradient can be generated at a relatively shallow depth.

Silica sand isn't bad.


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Everything I have read sais silica is bad given that is what Diatoms feed on.

I agree that maybee using silica sand doesn't mean you will get silicates in you tank water though.

No doubt that silicate sand can be used in a remote DSB, seen people online doing this (USA and Europe). Something to remember is that bacetrria (from what I have read) can't live on silicate sand as its too smooth. This is why it is not reccomended for freshwater tanks, not because of the silicates but because of the fact that its not bilogocally friendly.

Chimera - crushed coral and coral sand are the same thing to the best of my knowledge.


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ok cool, cheers guys. next question is who has a small amount of live sand I can buy and seed with the coral sand?!!! i might seed it outside the current system for a few weeks first. how does this sound?

- flush sand through rodi first

- chuck it in a bucket of saltwater with a small powerhead

- add some live sand and some live rocks to seed it

any better ideas?

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If it was me, personally I would just add it to the main system, a few cups a week or somethin. Don't know why I would do that, its just what I would do. Your new system is plenty big enough to handle a few KG of sand cycling :)

Can have as much sand as you want from me if you come and get it, although I suspect someone closer will be able to look after you. If you do get stuck, let me know i'll hook you up.


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Thats what pies advised me to do, and thats what i did....

Added about 3kg per week for quite some time, washed the sand for A LONG time in straifght tap water to flush out dust etc....

then RO then just scooped it in, had fish in tank and corals, no ill effect noticed.......

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picked this up today, looks good (well, at least it looks better than the photo shown below!!!) Cost me $30 for 23kg's. Not live, but not bad.


Will start adding this slowly next week (btw, it's the sellers pictures and writing above! Gravel? well,... sort of :))

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