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Turboflotor skimmers


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I know this is going to open up a debate and thats not what i want.

Im not asking what the best skimmer is because i realy don't give a rats @$$ :o

My question is are turboflotors a good option. From what i have read they seem to be so i was thinking of getting a T1000 for my 180ltr, with a little sight to the future of when i finnaly decide that i don't need to spend every cent i earn and save for a house. Then a bigger tank can move in :P

Cheers dave

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There are MANY different skimmer options

my advice is buy one BIGGER then you can afford, dead / unhealthy corals cost heaps 8)

is this a good one, well how long is a piece of string......

There is no doubt that the leading skimmers in each class are up to the job. The majors are needle wheel, venturi/becket, downdraft ???? foprgot the last bit in this ones name :D

The question is how many 180L fully stocked tanks have you seen in NZ running with a turbofloater?

Personally all the tanks that I have seen that are large and heavily stocked are using quite large skimmers, primarily deltec needle wheels (but not only this brand)

I have a deltec 1060 in sump unit, its uses 2 pumps to recirculate... It is a short model to fit under tank, if i purchased again i would get a taller unit, IMHO the increased contact time of the taller stack produces more gunk. that said i have a LOT of fish in my 500L and not much nitrate, put this down to the skliimer being up to the job and having a lot of rock

so the turbo floater... what model? if its the small one. i would want a lot of mature mature rock in a 180 and even then would think only maybe... /flame proofing on./

But if someone offered me the unit for say $200 then yeah grab it, however if its been offered to you around the $700-800 mark whjy not import your own, much bigger skimmer for only a little less????

All the tanks that I like the look of have BIG SKIMMERS!!!!!!

Steves(Deltec) / alois's (Deltec) / Pies (Deltec) / Brendans (Not sure, us brand i think) / Steve in WGTN (not sure but looked like a GEO 6ft model) / (Mine (Deltec) :D

Ivan was running the same skimmer as i have on a 1200L and it looked fine, lowish nitrates as i understand... his tank was cool for a young tank.

When do you want one? I am going to the US shortly and I am going to bring back 1-2 skmiiers a a big CA Reacter

I think tho that with constant attention to the coperation the turbo would cope with a 180, but most of us just want a big ars* skimmer with reasonably low tuning requirement.

I think its about value for money and many of us have a belief that to get your water quality up there a skimmer is one of the most important pieces of kit. Think about the ammount of nitrate a skimmer takes out per hour.... its like continually changing your water......

what price are you being offered the turbofloater?

iduncan - what are you using for a skimmer....

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A friend down here had the Turbo Floater 1000, which is a very popular skimmer with a good reputation. From what I saw of it, I didn't really think it was too good, however once you get them 'tweaked' the seem to work fine.

I wouldn't be put off buying one, but I think I would still swing towards Deltec unless the price difference is too much.


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