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Egg eating dads?

scales & tails fishfa

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Hi there

I have been breeding siamese fighters and have bought this lovely bi-colour halfmoon pair. Only problem is that the male embraces the female but then eats all the eggs instead of blowing them out into the nest. The female is no help either, she eats all the eggs left behind, but I know that is normal.

I thought about "adopting" the eggs with another dad that is currently taking care of new eggs, but I really want the "egg-eating dad" to fertilize them (which he doesn't do) and the adopting dad would probably eat them 'cause their not fertilized. I really want babies from these egg-eating bi-colours, but what can I do?

Also does anyone have any female neon dwarf gouramis?

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Some males are egg eaters and theres nothing you can do.

Some males only eat non-fertilised or fungussing eggs. Females don't normally eat the eggs after they fall to the ground, they usually pick them up and take them up to the nest as well.

What makes you think that they are not being fertilised - if he's wrapping around the female properly and squeezing then the majority will be fertile.

You can transfer the eggs to another males nest but they will need to be at exactly the same stage of development i.e. spawn two males and females at the same time.

Theres a good chance the other male will raise them if you can do it gently without upsetting him or making the nest too full of eggs for him to look after.

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