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This is the story of a fish called Nemo....


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Kinda epic lil tale here....

Around November last year we were given a little tank with two little bitty gold fish as a gift,

The fish were named by oh so original Miss 5 - Goldie & Nemo. They were super little & very cute THEN on day two Goldie unfortunately got sucked up in the filter & went towards the light!

Nemo however managed to avoid this same fate with a little super glue & extra plastic applied (to the filter thingee - not the fish!!).

He has continued to swim happily around in his wee home till a few weeks ago WHEN we noticed that our little guy had suddenly mutated into a GIANT fellow!

We madly saved our meager makings to give him a new bigger better stronger home. This was acquired through a tough bidding war on Trade Me in which we the victors also happened to inherit a community of tropical fish also!!!

My initial plan was to pop them into Nemo's old tank, list them on TM as a fish only auction and let some one else enjoy them BUT by some strange force I seem to have fallen in love with the cute wee guys!

Now here is the current dilemma - There is waaaay to many fishees in Nemo's old tank - I understand that we can only have a few in there because of the size n stuff -

Sooooo...... I really need advice on if I can keep the 6 in there that I really like or perhaps only 1 or 2 of the others depending on the size???

The tank they are now in is we *think* 38ish Litres,

The fish I would like to stay with us (oh & the names I have could also be wrong Thanks Google pictures!)are..

The two Kribs & the four wee striped danios. Is this going to be okay??

If it is I would also after having had them here for a few days prefer for the others : an angel fish ,2 blue and red gouramis, 2 plattys, and 2 neon's to just be given to some on on here who would care for them instead of popping them onto TM where who knows who would end up with them!!!

P.S Nemo is LOVING his new home & now has a new friend, Dotti!

Going to investigate how to upload pics so I can show any one who cares to look what they all look like .....

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2 Kribs and 4 Danios will be fine in the New Tank.

Do you have a Heater in there??

Did you cycle the Tank??

Would also be a good idea to pop your Location into your profile, this is done by going upto the User Control Panel on the top right of the Screen, so other Fishkeepers no where you are :D

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Nice little story. So is Nemo a goldfish? or a gold colour fish? Can't wait for the pics :)

The 38ltr should be fine with the danios and kribensis. Just make sure you keep up with water changes.

I'm sure people on here would be happy to take the extra fish. I know I would if I had the room!

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Nemo & his new friend Dotti in the BIG tank....


The wee guys that we now also have .....


Off to post in the Trade section now,

Oh & Thanks heaps for replying & letting me know that the 6 we like will be okay and yep they came with a heater!


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