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OMGOSH! So excited :D


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I am sitting here watching my Bristlenoses lay eggs for the first time ever!

Got the male quite some time ago for my female and they have looked like they hated each other the whole time, today I noticed that they looked like they were getting a little freaky lol

Just got home from picking my son up from school and they are in a little pile of rocks and she is laying whilst he is fanning lol soooooo cute :D

Haven't done anything to bring it on, only thing different is that I added a large severum to the tank a few weeks ago. Since then the males bristles have grown really quickly and now the eggs.

unfortunately the eggs are not in a spot that is going to be easy to photograph but hey I don't care lol COS I HAVE EGGS!

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I did wonder about that but I am worried if I disturb him he may not care for the eggs anyway. The only other tank I have available is too small to grow them out in any way so may just have to go with survival of the fittest this time :(

There is a new tank in the pipeline so maybe next time they breed I can rescue them all

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I had harlequin rasboras in with mine when they spawned. Didn't even notice until I saw the little fry. Many were eaten but I took out the Harlequins immediately. Saved 15 BN fry.

How big is the tank you have? I used a 45x25x25 (28L) tank and it was great.

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It is a little ar126, 22 litre, have a few guppies in there at the mo that could be shifted to the big tank. Will see how they go over night, will have to chuck a heater in the little tank to heat it up anyway cos the guppies are not heated.

They are in a pretty good hidey hole now but once they are free swimming it could be a problem I guess.

I am not even sure how long it will take for them to become free swimming. These the the first egg laying fish I have ever bred lol

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The eggs take about 3-5 days to hatch usually, free swimming within 5 days. Mine hatched and stayed near the egg laying site, just sucking onto gravel and glass.

BN's were my first egg laying fish too!

The tank you mentioned should be fine until they're large enough to be sold or put back in your other tank. Remeber that lots of Driftwood and Cucumber (weighed down with plant weights) is the key.

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No problem.

I'm thinking of trying to get another spawn out of mine soon, perhaps this weekend. The other two times they did their thing all by themselves but I have a new 85L I'm just dying to try out.

Best of luck

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OMG. I can't beleive it. You may be very excited.

lol Excuse me for being excited :roll:

:bounce: Very cool bedazzled :bounce:

Thanks Mark :)

:D I wanted mine to breed for ages, and now they just keep breeding and breeding.

They're cool little fish.

They sure are :D

Bit worried now though, moved Dad and the eggs to a seperate tank and he hasn't found them yet. Hope he does soon, has only been a few minutes. There is good water flow where I put them though so if worst comes to worst they should be ok :D

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:D I wanted mine to breed for ages, and now they just keep breeding and breeding.

They're cool little fish.

I tore down a tank and threw them all into another tank with 9" south american cichlids just to stop the bloody things from breeding. I lost count of how many of the brats I sold somewhere around 200 and I think I sold many more after that still.

Horrible invasive overbreeding little pests. :lol:

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