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Oh nice fish tank... Where are the fish?


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Have recently just moved in to a new house, and the tank has been setup and is all ok, except the fish prefer to spend all day hiding.

It was the 2nd time they had a big shift over a month, so I can understand they would be a little uneasy about things, but its been 2 weeks, and still all I look at is a bare tank.

The only fish that I see on the odd occasion is my Rainbow shark. He does appear to be a bit of a bully towards the others. Is it likely they are hiding because of him? Or are they likely to sulk for this length of time due to being shifted twice so often?

The first time they shifted, after a day they were more active than I had seen them ever! Which is why i'm a little confused.

Anything I'm missing?


Rainbow Shark

Large Spotty Plec

2x Blue Jack Dempseys (M & F, don't appear to have paired though)

1x Black Knife Fish

As mentioned, the Rainbow shark is the only one who seems to cause problems on the odd occasion. Shall I put him in his own wee tank and see if things improove?

Sorry, if these were marine fish I'd probably know the answer, but my knowledge on freshies isn't up to speed yet :(


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Let's see...

Plec's usually hide most of the time.

Blue Jack Dempseys tend to hide a bit.

Black knifes usually hide most of the time.

So, basically you have a tank full of relatively shy fish and one bully. So, yeah, I think it's a good chance the rainbow shark is just making the others hide more.

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