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Tank Setup


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Well I almost convinced my dad to let me set up a 1.2m tank(i was pushing for q.5m :D ) but my mum

convinced him not to :roll: and now i have to set up the 60lx30wx50h (cm) tank and then get a bigger one :D

So far i have the gravel, lights,heater and now I just need to sort out the plants/fish

I was thinking of an Asian biotope with:

Honey Gouramis

Harlequin rasboras

and yoyo loaches (Do they like snails??)

and am not sure about the plants and ferts ect.

Any ideas

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you must get some crypts.

you should be able to get some crypt wendtii brown and green off people on here, but you can order the other types at fishy shops.

provided you speak to someone who knows what a crypt is.

do tell us what lights you have.

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Bio-topes don't let you have much room in terms of livestock and most of them are dull but great for the fish.

You could try an Asian Themed tank then you could have asian fish, mostly asian plants but also some plants from other parts of the world too.

Plants could be (correct me if I'm mistaken):


-Java Moss

-Java Fern




If you really wanted to go all out then I'd suggest getting wood and other decor from that reigon too.

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Turns out I don't have the lighting sorted lol

On the box it said 36 watts of light so I thought it meant each bulb so 72w of light for a double fitting but there only 18w each :roll:

and it was a purplish light anyone know what spectrum the light is(It really brings out red colours)

where would be a good place to get some lights that are 45cm long??

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how tall is your tank? if its 30cm tall, the two tubes will be fine just replace them with brand new tubes if they are second hand .

if the height of your tank is the 50cm in your measurements buy another set of tubes as well

in regards to 45cm lites if you mean the tubes at 45cms not the entire fitting then most lfs will have them they are 15W tubes.

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Argh! parents!

It took alot of debating skills to upgrade my tank! haha

I keep most of my tanks on a tiny liddle shelf tucked away in the office far away from where anyone can see or hear them. Have two display tanks elsewhere in the house. Wasn't allowed to show the public my "Bare-Bottomed" breeder tanks, far too ugly.

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Turns out I also can't clean gravel i slowly poured enough water into the tank to cover the wood and 'poof' more dust appears :roll:

another 5/6 more rinsing's did the trick

I keep most of my tanks on a tiny liddle shelf tucked away in the office far away from where anyone can see or hear them. Have two display tanks elsewhere in the house. Wasn't allowed to show the public my "Bare-Bottomed" breeder tanks, far too ugly.

Haha I have 3 tanks in my room including a bare bottomed one and I'm now starting to get annoyed at everyone for going into my room to see the babies and the parents

Going to the petshop soon (yus) hopefully i can get everything I need to get it ready!!

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Shame your in Rotorua, we have cheap lights and tubes at our shop, although just as well your not up this way really, as we have a 2 metre x 50cm x 60cm that has just come in and sounds like you wouldnt be allowed it

Most things in our pet shop here are abit more than other places, it's starting to add up atm :( (3.6k for a 6ft stand, tank and driftwood :o ) Although I would love it -.-

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Yay I have running water :D:D

After two mishaps (managing to hit a glass onto thew floor thinking "NOOO!!!!!!~!!" as I was watching it fall to the ground and

almost flooding 40l of water on floor as i had not sealed the external filter properly :roll:

and a blonde moment of attaching the intake and outake tubes the wrong way :roll: :roll:

The water is running and the heater is working YAY

Bring on the plants and fish :D

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I started planting today :D

So far i have:


Some kind of Hygrophila(My memory eludes me)

Java moss and java fern

and a piece of driftwood





Theres a 20x15cm bit on the bottom right corner where i want to stick some king of crypt but have no idea of what kind, alough i don't mind the look of wendtii (spelling?)

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