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Mystery egg


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Well I have a strange yellow object in my tank approximately 2-3 times the size of cory eggs. Its clear and slightly yellowish. Its sitting on the gravel unattended so if it is an egg its pretty well going to be no good and probably infertile. The fish in the tank are some rasboras and zebra danios which are far too small to lay an egg this size and a group of albino corys. Likely culprits are a few king tiger plecos I have in there. Does anyone know what their eggs look like? The best way I can describe this is it looks like a healtheries oil capsule but about the size of a plastic pin head.

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The only way to know for certain is for me to come over and take those nasty plecos out the tank. then if the unsightly eggs stop appearing in the tank you know it was them.

If the mystery eggs still appear in the tank, at least you know those horrible plecos won't eat the eggs and then you can figure out what did lay the eggs.


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