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lonely clown seeking companionship


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I personally have had quite bad experiences with Pet World. When I was just starting out, I bought a little blenny from them that turned out to have white spot. Granted I was new and didn’t really have a clue, but they were more than happy to sell it to me. Once I figured out what was going on, thanks to Bob’s (Redwood) help, I took all the fish to his shop for treatment. It turned out that everything in my tank died!!! :cry: Bob looked over the fish and determined that given the (eventual) extent of white spot on all the other fish in the tank compared to the newly introduced blenny that it had to be the blenny that introduced it.

They always have a great selection, which (against my better judgment) has led me to buy more from them on the rare occasion. I have honestly never purchased a fish from them that has survived for more than a week.

I have purchased fish from every other fish shop in ChCh as well as from other reefers, of which, none have “mysteriously†died. I have had the misfortune of a jumper, beaten up by rough tank mates, etc…, but no floaters in the morning.

Just thought I would share my experiences before people not only spent money on a fish, but also the crazy shipping charges as well in order to buy from them.

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Where did I get the wrasse from?

Well actually I have not got it yet, it's maybe the first internet purchase from Aquanet, and will be coming via Hollywood North Shore. Are there any more? I've been told anything at all (that's legal) can be ordered.

No the dottyback is still faded, I'm starting to get resigned to this being permanent.

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i was loosely quoted $80 - $90 for my copperband

turned out to be $129


"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."

nope dam it thats in florida........

i tend to only go back to get scr*wed twice if i enjoyed it the first time.....

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"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."

LOL surprised the FBI havn't banned this thread now ;)

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