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Wiskers must die!!!! Just don't break it in half.....

It's just a bristleworm, they're harmless, good detritus cleaners. Just don't try to pat them.

That's what current consensus is, everyone used to apparently thing they were bad, but that's now an obsolete opinion. Maybe it'll change in a few years, most reef information seems to be more based on fads than fact.:)

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I forget who it is but there is somone on reef central that has an 850 gal reef tank (i'm sure you all know who i am talking about) that had one in his tank and caught it eating his corals. I will point out that I have no experience in this I am only going off what I read and as ira said this could be fad not fact

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There are cetain types of polychete worms that do eat corals, but the common worm (as pictured above) is belived to be harmless and an excellent scavanger.

Check 'A Spineless Colum' on REEFKEEPING ONLINE for all the information ever needed about the polychete's.


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I forget who it is but there is somone on reef central that has an 850 gal reef tank (i'm sure you all know who i am talking about) that had one in his tank and caught it eating his corals.

That would be Steve Weast's tank. There is a whole page on his site dedicated to this worm:


This thing was 6 foot long!


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Steve A (whos tank I took photos of) was having a problems with corals being attacked at the base a few years ago. He had to re-organise his tank and in the sounds found a worm he said would have been 1.5M long.



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