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guppies in wellington?


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hi Shiuh,

As inter stated above bot I and livebearer_breeder breed guppies and we are both in the wellington area. I ahve some that are available now if you are interested.

Just let me know and you can come and view, obligation free :lol: :lol:

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lol!!! breeding pair!!! they are also known as a the million fish because they breed like nothing on earth! with guppies i never use a pair nor do i need two specific ones that seem to like each other becuase the males are horny little buggers!! you get them in a trio atleast otherwise the male will haslte the females to death, i keep my ratio to 4 females to a male! from my knowlege althougth i could be wrong steve (ballistic) and i do not have adults they are pre-teen sort of age at the momment! if you dont mind waiting im sure steve or i would be happy to sell you a trio!!

Cheers Shae

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey killifan,

I have a male and 4 females in a tank 600mmx 300mmx 250mm, and whent the females start to get quite fat I remove the male and usually get 30+ fry from it.

The tank is not heavily planted but I have Java moss and Crypt Becketii in there, so as to provide some cover.

Personally found tho that the fry generally only hide if there is a male in th tank, as when I removed the male the fry all hovered just below the surface.

Shae will have some techniques that he uses also so hopefully between the two of us you will find a way that suits you.


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what would be the minimum tank requirements for a trio and resulting fry?

ok if were talking minimum, then a 300x200x200 will do for a trio, not the best of conditions but we are talking minimum! for fry the same thing will do each of these tanks cost about $25ea.

i would never do this becuase of three main resons, the first beeing the fact that sunted growth will occure

second very limitied space, and third cleaning and water changes would have to be done very regularly.

i would suggest atleast four two foot tanks:

first 2 foot tank: for the pair or trio you want to breed

second 2 foot: for the continous flow of babies that will come from the adult females, and this way they will grow faster and no stunting will occure.

third & fourth 2 foot: seperating the fry once they have matured into sexes ( e.g males in one tank, females in the other)

this way you can pick which guppys you would like to breed, depending on what desired patern, coulration and body type you wont. and then they can be put into the first two foot for breeding. this also means you can chose how the strain turns out!

Shae 250

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